I know there is no narration, but the slides speak for themselves ... We can all become more powerful presenters using Garr's expert techniques


In the modern age of information, reading truly is a fundamental survival skill. Here are ten tips that anyone can use to improve their reading skills: http://adjix.com/6tnr

"Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."

-- Abraham Joshua Heschel

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

Vince Lombardi


Resource for the Week

Don’t let lack of confidence and nerves prevent you from being the public speaker you want to be.

This eBook will give you mental and physical techniques as well as systems to control your nerves and present with confidence.

Overcome your fear of Public Speaking

By Fiona Robyn

My experience of being a writer is of walking a constant tight-rope between processing negative feedback and rejection, and feeling good enough about my work to not give up completely. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows over the years, and I’m not expecting things to get any easier as time goes on — just different.

Although none of us would ever improve if we weren’t able to take on feedback from others, we also need to manage this process so it doesn’t overwhelm us. If we’re not passionate about our work at least some of the time then how can we expect anyone else to value what we’re doing? So how do we survive?

Read on ...


Robert Louis Stevenson's eternally fresh comic adventures

There comes a time in the life of any young reader when nothing but adventure will do. It is the time when the old classics -- The Count of Monte Cristo, Journey to the Center of the Earth, King Solomon's Mines -- are suddenly the best stories in all the world. Which, of course, they are -- with the possible exception of those that begin this way:


Armed with nothing more than his unique powers, three not so imaginary friends, and his charming wit, Daniel sets off on whirlwind journey to kick some major alien butt.
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plus how to get the book for free

A few years ago, I had to plan an activity for a youth group, followed by a talk. Little did I know that after the game, the true meaning of what happened would come to light.

Read it here ...

"It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits to our abilities do not exist."

-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

 Reading isn’t just for girls. It’s cool. It’s very cool. In fact, at Spring Lake Park High School in Minnesota, all the boys know that real men read.

It’s hard to miss this slogan while walking through the school’s hallways. There you’ll find 35 large posters of men enjoying a good read. And these role models aren’t celebrities or authors—they’re real men who the students encounter every day. more » » »