The Slapby Christos Tsiolkas

At a suburban barbecue, a man slaps a child who is not his own. This event has a shocking ricochet effect on a group of people, mostly friends, who are directly or indirectly influenced by the event. In this remarkable novel, Christos Tsiolkas turns his unflinching and all-seeing eye on to that which connects us all: the modern family and domestic life in the twenty-first century. The Slap is told from the points of view of eight people who were present at the barbecue. The slap and its consequences force them all to question their own families and the way they live, their expectations, beliefs and desires. What unfolds is a powerful, haunting novel about love, sex and marriage, parenting and children, and the fury and intensity - all the passions and conflicting beliefs - that family can arouse.

Image: View an image of author Christos Tsiolkas

PDF Download: Read an excerpt from The Slap
Warning PDF contains language which could offend.

"The past is not your potential for potential has no bounds. Choose to break free from your self-imposed limits. Use your imagination to create a life of endless possibility. Experience your magnificence first hand."

Frankie Picasso


Resource for the Week

Get the Edge: A 7-Day Program to Transform Your Emotions, Relationships, Health, Finances…and Your Life
What is the edge? It’s that powerful inner force that tells you to never give up, never look back and never settle for less than you know you deserve. Discover the unique edge that will set you apart from the rest of the crowd with Tony Robbins’ bestselling program for revolutionizing every aspect of your life—your health, your relationships, your career, your emotions and your finances! Get the Edge – NOW!

Learn to create your own comics with Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, a richly illustrated collection of 15 in-depth lessons that cover everything from crafting your story to lettering and laying out panels.

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A Fraction of the whole

by Steve Tolz

fraction_wholeA Fraction of the Whole is that rarest of long books–utterly worth it…The story starts in a prison riot and ends on a plane, and there is not one forgettable episode in between…It reads like Mark Twain with access to an intercontinental Airbus…This book moves; it bucks and rocks in a world that feels more than a hemisphere away…So comically dark and inviting that you have no choice but to step into its icy wake.” —Esquire
“Rollicking…laugh-out-loud funny.” —Entertainment Weekly
“A rich father-and-son story packed with incident, humor, and characters reminiscent of the styles of Charles Dickens and John Irving…Occasionally, a big, sprawling first novel fights its way into print with a flourish, at which point its ambition and the eccentricities of its ‘firstness’ can become its best marketing tools. Such is the case with A Fraction of the Whole, a book that is willfully misanthropic and very funny…like Irving, Toltz makes minor characters leap off the page…He’s a superb, disturbing phrasemaker…this long novel, which lives or dies in the brilliance of its writing, has a subtle, compelling structure

A Fraction of the Whole soars like a rocket.” —Los Angeles Times

“Combines the hilarious high-low reference points of early Martin Amis with the annihilating punk inventiveness of Chuck Palahniuk.” —Best Life


Stephen Hawking barely needs an introduction, but his recent direction does. He is packaging the universe for the younger generation. With his daughter Lucy Hawking, he has branched out into writing children's books. They tell Alison George all about it, and recount Stephen's personal alien experience.

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 Ever wonder what makes us buy from a certain salesperson or prefer one TV news announcer over another? In each case, a
human voice is subtly captivating our ear and commanding our attention.

Like a Dress for Success for the speaking voice, this unique self-help book shows how to use "voice strategy" to succeed.

"Ever wonder what makes us buy from a certain salesperson or prefer one TV news announcer over another? In each case, a human voice is subtly captivating our ear an commanding our attention.

Now celebrity voice coach Renee Grant-Williams reveals the trade secrets behind those persuasive voices and shows readers how to apply positive vocal techniques to business and personal situations. Much more than a guide to proper breathing or voice projection, this is a life-altering ""owner's manual"" to unleashing and directing the powers of communication within one's speaking voice. By exploring the rich connections between singing and speaking, Grant-Williams helps readers:

* Evaluate their ""VoicePower"" quotients

* Literally breathe new life into their voices

* Tap the amazing power of consonants--and silence

* Deliver sales pitches virtually guaranteed to sell

* Turn a voice mail message (incoming or outgoing) into a personal calling card

* Become more confident, persuasive presenters and public speakers."

About the Author

Renee Grant-Williams (Nashville, TN) is a well-known voice coach whose clients include U.S. senators, attorneys, salespeople, and vocalists such as Faith Hill and Randy Travis.

You can buy the book from

Amazon   or  Book Depository

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In 1704, a 28-year-old Scottish sailor named Alexander Selkirk found himself in a fix. He had taken up privateering—piracy with an official seal, in other words—and had spent too much time cooped up on a galley with an irascible captain of the sort Geoffrey Rush so ably portrays in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise. Grievance boards and human-resources departments being nonexistent in that line of work, Selkirk made a potentially catastrophic decision: when he was demoted after a squabble with the captain about the seaworthiness of their ship, which was apparently riddled with shipworms, he asked to be put ashore on an island (pictured here) far away from anything in particular, 400 miles west of the port of Valparaiso, Chile, in the Juan Fernandez archipelago. Though remote, the 36-square-mile island contained large stores of sweet water from which passing ships would replenish their supplies, and Selkirk apparently figured that it would not be long before another ship came along.

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Robinson Crusoe's Island, Chile. Photograph [c] by Leonardo Ramirez

by Rebecca Emerley

Illustrated by Ed Emberley

"An old chestnut of a tale comes to rip-roaringly glorious, hilarious, gorgeous life in the hands of two picture-book masters...Emberley fille’s dry wit acts as the perfect complement to Emberley père’s art, which leaps off the page, mixing colors with crazed combinations that provide the perfect balance between text and image. Ideal for reading aloud and as a visual stimulant, this title is bound to become the favored version for children and adults alike."

Teaching About Story Structure Using Fairy Tales, Down on the farm lesson, Chicken Little lesson plans, Video, Lesson plan for a similar telling of the story, Chicken Little Literacy/Art Lesson

"Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will
spread beyond all boundaries."

-- Corita Kent

From my own personal experience, from working with thousands of people face to face, and from asking my blog readers what they find hardest about presenting, I know that the fear of public speaking is a biggie.

And not everyone who suffers from the fear of public speaking has suffered a humiliating public speaking experience.

So why do so many people have a fear of public speaking?

The theory of evolutionary psychology

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