What makes for effective reading instruction? A new study indicates that an important contributor is integrating material from other subjects into reading instruction.
An important international comparison test for reading is the PIRLS, administered to ten-year-olds. Hong Kong ranked 14th among 35 participating countries in the 2001 administration of the test. In 2006, Hong Kong students ranked second among 44 nations. This improvement coincided with significant changes to the reading curriculum instituted by the Curriculum Development Council of the Hong Kong government. These two changes spurred a group of researchers at the University of Hong Kong to analyze the data from the 2006 PIRLS to determine which instructional factors were associated with student reading achievement. >>>
Rattletrap car
by Phyllis Root
The internal rhymes, alliteration, and creative car sounds make a perfect read-aloud. The watercolor illustrations are full of action as the rattletrap car bounces off the road and seems to rush off the page. The words for the car sounds bounce, too, in their larger, uneven fonts. The illustrations contribute humorous detail capturing the family's alternating despair, inventiveness, and glee at moving again.
3 excellent Library/Classroom Suggestions
Lesson Idea on using onomatopoeia
Examples of Art by Jill Barton
Read and listen to the book online
"If you start to think the problem is ‘out there,’ stop yourself. That thought is the problem."
-- Stephen Covey
How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.
"An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions"
"1000 Questions For Couples"
All of these questions will help you to really know the thoughts, feelings and desires of the one you are with. After going through these questions, you will really know the things your sweetheart is passionate about. You will know how you can give them much joy and happiness. You will also discover what irritates them and makes them blue.
While these questions are an absolute must for couples to ask while dating, over 700 of the questions are crucial for married couples to discuss too.
Click on this link to find out more ….
This is a video produced by a presentation training company as an example of how NOT to make a PowerPoint presentation.

Photo: Pat Scala
For more than 10 years, the e-book has been hyped as the "next big thing" in world publishing — a prediction usually underpinned by dire prophecies about the imminent death of the conventional "hard" book.
Now, more than a decade since the launch of the first clunky, chunky, expensive e-readers (one of which lost its stored information when the batteries were changed), the e-book era seems finally to have dawned, at least in the US. >>>
"We cannot seek or attain health, wealth,
learning, justice or kindness in general.
Action is always specific, concrete,
individualized, unique."
- John Dewey
U.S. Male-Female SAT Math Scores: What Accounts for the Gap?
Mark J. Perry - July 1st, 2009-->
It’s well known that for the SAT mathematics test a) male high school students in the U.S. have higher scores on average than females, b) the gap is large and statistically significant (+30 points), and c) the male-female math test score gap has persisted over time, since at least 1971, and probably much longer (see chart above, data here from the Dept. of Education). >>>
"You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself."
Ethel Barrymore
Petite model Isobella Jade has already written a memoir, Almost 5’4”, and now she's written a fictional graphic novel based on her experiences in modeling. Model Life, illustrated by Jazmin Ruotolo, will be published by Soft Skull Press in October.
more » » »
From Jeff Bailey at Wired Presentations ...
I have a friend who is a world class rifle shooter. He even represents the USA in international competition. I would trust him to shoot a quarter out of my hand at a hundred yards. If my life depended on a rifle shot I would want him to take that shot. That being said, he will occasionally miss. Not by much but his standards are very high; he aims for perfection.
If you want to perfect your public speaking skills then you have to treat ums and ahs the same way that my friend treats his occasional miss.