"You'll seldom experience regret for anything that you've done. It is what you haven't done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it! Develop an appreciation for the present moment. Seize every second of your life and savor it. Value your present moments. Using them up in any self-defeating ways means you've lost them forever."

Wayne Dyer


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From the Coach Approach blog

With the mega success of the hit movie, "The Secret," I assume just about everybody has been exposed to the wildly popular idea of positive thinking.  Not a new concept in the field of personal development and success psychology but the movie put a spin on it referring to it as the Law of Attraction (LOA) - claiming some ancient roots and basically that what you think about you will attract like a magnet, either good or bad.

Hordes of followers were energized by the movie and who wouldn't be?  All I have to do is think about something - like a little red bicycle - and I will get it. LOA gurus and coaches sprung up everywhere to help the masses work the program.  Think about something with all your might and it will be created.

Still others pointed out the caveat - you have to BELIEVE that you already "be, do, or have" the object of your desires.  And here is where it all falls apart for smart people.  They can't convince themselves of something that is not empirically true in their perception.  They refuse to fool themselves when they take some pride their intellect, rational thinking and perhaps education.

The fact is people who think positively do have greater success, better health and more satisfying relationships.  (If you need to be convinced, see the work of Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.)  How then is a smart, thinking person supposed to convince herself of something other than the thoughts served up by her marvelous brain?

Well here is what we know from the available science.

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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's a verbal virus that's spreading unchecked on TV, radio and in print.

Want to sound certain? Want to remove all doubt? Want to be a commentator on TV?


It has become the standard reply to every question or comment. It clings like lint to our conversations.

Are we in a recession senator? "Absolutely not."Was Michael Jackson a musical genius?"Absolutely." Want syrup on those pancakes?Absolutely.

It's even reached the highest office in the land. When President Obama was recently asked by a Pakistani journalist if he read Urdu poetry, he said: "Absolutely."

We hear of videos that go viral. But why has this word, absolutely, taken off? Video Watch: The words you love to hate »

It's true that we need to make time for reading offline, and that reading has changed via the quick-byte culture of our computing. Melissa Clouthier has put an interesting personal perspective on these changes

So while I do feel my attention span has changed, I will sit for a good book or a good picture or a well-thought out article that expands my thought-scope. My patience for shoddy writing has dwindled.

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Most accidents occur at home and many of them are preventable, so it is important that your home is as safe as possible. Here are some helpful tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on making your home a safer place for everyone. Click on the area of the house you are interested in to go immediately to the corresponding tips.


Thousands of Bizarre Origins, Unexpected Connections, and Fascinating Facts about English's Best Expressions

by Barbara Kipfer

Phraseology is the ultimate collection of everything you never knew about the wonderful phrases found in the English language. It contains information about phrase history and etymology; unusual, lost, or uncommon phrases; how phrases are formed; and more than 7,000 facts about common English phrases.

Find out more or buy the book at The Book Depository or Amazon.

From Cheryl Koch

In early February, many of us heard about the results of new research on the effects of low-fat dieting.

Why was this information so widely publicized?

Because the 8-year study showed some unexpected results. For more than a decade doctors, dietitians, and others have been promoting the benefits of a low-fat diet to control disease and assist with weight control. The study of almost 50,000 postmenopausal women found that restricting dietary fats may not have the benefits we once thought.

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Why was I only mildly surprised?!!!

This from Nick Morgan really should be simple enough!!

Follow these rules and you’ll be using Power Point in a way that enhances, rather than detracts from or competes with, your presentation.

The whole post is here

New Entry in E-Books Is a Paper Tiger

Suppose there are two rival companies — let’s call them A and B. Each wants to dominate the blossoming world of electronic books.

Company A (that’s A as in “Amazon”) began life selling physical books online. Its reading gadget, the Kindle, stores hundreds of books in a plastic slab that weighs only 10 ounces. To accompany the Kindle, Company A built an enormous electronic-book store, filled with 345,000 books that can be downloaded to the Kindle in 30 seconds (each).

Company B (that’s B as in “Barnes & Noble”) waited patiently. “Let’s let A get all the arrows in its back,” it said.

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