Phobias are intense, persistent fears.

They hold us back from truly experiencing life – and keep us trapped in a sense of fear and worry.

You may fear darkness. Crowds. Car travel. Flying. Public speaking. Sexual performance. Exams. Terrorist attacks. Violence. Cancer. Dentists. Being alone. Spiders. Snakes. Rats.

You may even suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Whatever phobias you have, they’re stopping you from moving forward.

They’re keeping you trapped in fear – and ensuring you NEVER enjoy the true potential of your life.

Does that sound like you? Are there things that make YOUR heart flutter – from speaking in front of your work colleagues, to nasty big black spiders in your bed, to shocking memories from the past?

Would YOU like to become fearless – and suddenly be totally happy and accepting of those things, no longer worrying and panicking when those situations came up?

Would YOU feel happier if you didn’t “lose control” every time your issue occurred – and instead GAINED control, and handled the situation perfectly?

Would YOU like to release your fears and phobias – within just minutes?

Read on – to learn more about why phobias exist, and how to cure them.

· Join Celebrities, Communities in the “What Book Got You Hooked?” Campaign
What book left a lasting impression on you as a kid? For actor Morgan Freeman, it was Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty. For singer Patti LaBelle, it was Johanna Spyri’s Heidi, and for Newbery-award-winning author Kate DiCamillo, it was Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind. These and about 80 other authors, journalists, actors, artists, and librarians are taking part in “What Book Got You Hooked?,” a campaign by the nonprofit organization, First Book. more » » »

When the imagination of a writer and the passion of a theologian cross-fertilize the result is a novel on the order of "The Shack." This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" did for his. It's that good!   Read more


Buy at

Also available from

The Book Depository,  Amazon

Ï just came across this via a tweet from @PresentingPower.
The Four-S Method of Really Effective Communication

from John C. Maxwell - Simplify, See the person, Show the Truth and Seek response.

You can read the details here

It’s not often that public schools are built by famous architects or house artwork by known artists, but author and art historian Michele Cohen has found more than 1,500 works of art in New York City schools and documents them in Public Art for Public Schools (Random, 2009). All the art in the book is compiled in a database, and some of it is available online and includes lesson plans.
read more ...

“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”

-- Stephen R. Covey

International Angel Day is a special one-day event that celebrates the magic of the angels. Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform God's will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels' messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful. During this inspiring day, you will learn to connect with your angels who have important guidance for you about your career, relationships, health, and more. I look forward to seeing you there!

— Doreen Virtue

Celebrate International Angel Day in Los Angeles!

September 12, 2009 | 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Los Angeles, CA
Wilshire Ebell Theatre

The angels want to heal and help every area of your life. In this entertaining and inspirational session, Doreen will give audience angel readings and guide you through angel communication methods. Her clairvoyant son, Charles, will teach about a newly discovered archangel who assists you in making powerful and amazing changes in your life. Both Doreen and Charles will help you to awaken your natural psychic and healing abilities. This event will conclude with a powerful Angel Therapy® healing session to help you release blocks, negativity, and pain.

Learn more about Angel Therapy® at or check out Doreen and Charles' book, Signs from Above. In this fascinating book, Doreen and Charles teach you how to understand the signs that are always around you from your spirit guides and angels.

Don't miss this opportunity to join us this year on September 12, 2009!

Use priority code 3076 and bring a friend for free! Pass it on!

[From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2009.]

Over the years, Penguin Books has acquired quite a reputation for their distinctive book covers and graphic design. This rather unique site explores the history and cover art of science fiction published by Penguin Books from 1935 to 1977. The site was created by James Pardey, and it starts off with an introductory essay that answers the questions: "Why Penguin, and why science fiction?" After reading this short piece, visitors should make their way through the cover collection, which starts off with their iconic orange and white covers in the 1930s. Of course, over the decades the series begins to introduce a series of increasingly surrealistic artistic endeavors that reflect broader changes in the art world. Throughout the site, Pardey provides commentary on each cover, along with information about each edition and its original publication date. First-time visitors might want to start by looking at the covers of "The Death of Grass" by John Christopher and "The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K. Dick


by Carl Hiaasen

This author has turned to children's books, and applied a wonderful quirky humour.  The story has new kids, bullies, alligators, eco-warriors, pancakes, and pint-sized owls .... a hilarious Floridian adventure!

Go to to read about the book, and find links to these

  • The trailer for the movie
  • Hoot Study Guide
  • Vocabulary pre-test
  • Hoot Book Reviews
  • Hoot Quizzes
  • Book Report Alternative: A Character's Letter to the Editor
  • Hoot Teacher's Booklet
  • Lesson Plan

I just discovered that the Internet Marketing Center is running a crazy deal right now...

They're looking for real people who can testify their new five-step online success program can help regular folk quickly make up to $10,000+ a month -- or more.

... And to get those "real-life" testimonials, they're giving away trials of this "secret weapon" for just $2.95!

If making a LOT of money (at least $100,000+ in your first year) is something that interests you, I urge you to activate your trial of this new profit system and give it a try!

If it doesn't work for you, no big deal... Just cancel it and it won't cost you a penny more.

You can take part in this risk-free trial by going to:

Here's your chance to finally start making money online, and all it will cost you is a pocketful of change.

P.S. I'm not sure how many trials they're giving away so if you want to take part in this great opportunity I suggest you act NOW.