How is this done?  How can you create you own high-end audio products quickly and easily?

With a BRAND NEW site called MonthlyProducts:

The best part is, each month You'll be given more and more interview materials that you can use to
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Watch This Free Video RIGHT NOW!

You'll be amazed at how simple it is to custom create
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P.S There is a full video explaining how the interview software works:

Ignore everybody. The more original your idea is, the less good advice other people will be able to give you.

Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny.

- Carl Schurz

nearly_happy The Nearly Happy Family

by Catherine McKinnon

This is a wonderfully original story that celebrates the triumphs and disasters of family life

Click here for the Book Club Notes

Tell us where to send it, and we'll send you the number one success book of all time.

My friends Vic and Lisa Johnson are doing this crazy marketing test where they're giving away Napoleon Hill's "Think & Grow Rich."

Get the details here:

Feel free to pass this on to friends. They can get one too if they act right away.

This is regarded as almost a textbook on acquiring wealth.  If you have a copy already, you might want to give this one as a gift.

P.S. Vic and Lisa are actually shipping these so you need to give them your address. Details here:

This is a cutting-edge event that's coming up soon - Nov. 6th - 8th to be exact.

It's your chance to get the tools, techniques, advice, and strategies from the best self development experts in the world - over 40 of them - all in one place.

You'll get everything you need to transform your personal self and your professional life into what you've dreamed of and keep it that way permanently.

It's the opportunity you've been waiting for - to become the healthier, wealthier, happier, more successful YOU!

I know you're ready for true happiness and true success and that's why I didn't want you to miss out.

It's called Yoovolution and it's the world's largest personal and professional self development conference in the history of the Internet.

What makes it a truly one-of-a-kind event is that it's being held in a completely 3D virtual environment. That's great news for you! You don't have to worry about travel hassles and eating bad hotel food, plus the ticket price is significantly reduced compared to other conferences of this magnitude and quality. They're able to keep costs down low because of the cutting-edge technology. And, when I say magnitude and quality ... I mean you'll be blown away. You'll have access to over 40 world-class speakers and experts, including T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Frank Maguire, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Scott Martineau, Ellie Drake, Alex Mandossian, and many, many more. The 3D virtual experience will be every bit as good as attending an event physically. In fact, the speakers will be coming to you live inside the virtual world. And, you'll be able to network with all the attendees in ways you never thought possible.

Make sure you check this out. It's unlikely they'll be able to put an event of this kind with so many speakers in one place again.

From Rober Schwartz

We all have an inner critic living inside us who speaks up at times, in varying degrees, negatively evaluating our own actions and those of others. As facilitators and coaches we have many opportunities to deal with our inner critic. We might doubt or judge ourselves harshly about how we dealt with a client or facilitated a group. Our critical voice often results from early shaming or humiliating, and fear-based experiences. We internalize these negative critical messages about ourselves and replay them in our minds. The inner critic evolves as a coping strategy in response to these early experiences.

The bottom line is when our inner critic rears its head, our experience is painful and distracting. However, by addressing our inner critic, we can develop our compassion for others and ourselves.

Compassion is the antidote to the inner critic. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, the critical part of us is actually our ally. When the inner critic arises, we can listen and make a choice about how much power and attention we will give that part of ourselves. We can also identify any useful, valid information our inner critic may have for us. Gradually, by paying attention to our inner critic in this way, its strength diminishes because we can more quickly move through the cycle of acknowledging, choosing and then releasing that part of ourselves. Each time we hear our inner critic’s voice, we can acknowledge it and make a choice for compassion. By doing this we can:

  • recognize that many of our judgments are high-level inferences and assumptions
  • choose to shift our behavior from fear-based unilateral control to mutual learning
  • Develop our compassion and take responsibility for our actions, laying less blame on others
  • Deepen our compassion for others

As we begin befriending our inner critic, we can use our interventions with others to help them enter the same process.

One approach that I practice and share with my clients is to address the inner critic by giving it a form. One of our Facilitative Coaching workshop participants found that she could address her inner critic by creating it out of clay and making it an armchair. She said, “If I give my inner critic a comfortable place to sit than it won’t want to bother me.” Her creation was in response to an exercise about dealing with the inner critic. By doing this she offered compassion to herself and her inner critic. As a result she felt freer to express herself during the workshop and be present to learn.

Written and edited by Dale Schwartz, copyright Roger Schwartz and Associates

PowerPoint Alternatives - From Browsers to Blogs, Part II
In Part I of PowerPoint Alternatives, I talked about presenters who use HTML to display the visual portion of their presentation. Now that blogs are popular, some speakers are using blogs as presentation tools, including Steven Cohen of Library Stuff fame. Here’s a presentation he created in a blog last February and his post on the Note that he used Blogger, a tool that is free and can get you up and running with a blog in just a few minutes. Downsides of using a blog instead of PowerPoint include a busier screen that you would find on most PowerPoint presentations. Also, a blog entry is not going to fill the screen the way a PowerPoint slide will, so it could be more difficult for the audience to read. From the presenter's standpoint, getting the slides in the proper order is cumbersome; you need to tweak the dates and times so as to get the blogs to display in the proper order, then remove the date from the blog template, since in this context, it’s irrelevant.As with HTML, the advantages of using a blog are greatest when you be presenting using a live Internet connection. You can include the links you want to visit in the blog/web page, and easily link out to web sites. The blog also makes a great "take-away."

A wide-ranging collection of odd words and trivia about language. Try the history of "dord" on page one, and then try to stop browsing through the rest. Thanks Sneedle Flipsock

"People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Michael Josephson