Nick Morgan writing at his best ...

What is the single most powerful way to increase your persuasive connection with an audience – and your charisma at the same time?


When you listen with your whole body, using your intuition or unconscious to read the emotions of those with whom you’re communicating, the result is a connection with the other people in the room that they experience as engaging, fascinating, and indeed charismatic

There is so much more to this amazing post that you'll want to read it all ...

What an excellent post from Jodi Glickman Brown

But learning how to ask for help — and how to do it right — is critical to doing your job well and setting yourself up for success.

You may be afraid of looking dumb, but to be afraid to ask for and get the help you need is inexcusable, especially when the stakes are high. Asking for help in the workplace is a good thing. In fact, asking for help the right way can show how smart you are: it demonstrates that you've got good judgment and shows that you know what you know and what you don't know. Moreover, getting help up front saves endless time, energy and resources on the back end; in the Madoff case, it could have saved billions of dollars and immeasurable heartache.

Read more here

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

For those of you who enjoy word puzzles, we have a selection from the Anagram Hall of Fame.

Internet Anagram Server = Isn’t rearrangement rave?

Elvis = Lives

Listen = Silent

Clint Eastwood = Old West Action

A Telephone Girl = Repeating "Hello"

Western Union = No Wire Unsent

The Country Side = No City Dust Here

The eyes = They see

The Cockroach = Cook, Catch Her

This is just a selection of the anagrams collected. You can view the complete list on the Website.

One solution we're all looking for these days is a way to accomplish more in our limited time. Author Amy Jones takes us back to the basics in Twice as Much in Half the Time- Secrets to Simplifying Your Life. It's loaded with nuggets that will make a positive difference in your life.

Here's an excerpt. Enjoy!

Excerpt from: Twice as Much in Half the Time,
by Amy Jones

What does it mean to manage your time (and life) better? Simply put, it means to live your life in such a way that you are able to accomplish more, so that at the end of each day you can realize measurable results and enjoy a sense of fulfillment. This often involves learning to do things differently so that the outcomes are more efficient and effective (and even less time-consuming) than before. After reading from countless resources and speaking to over half a million people on the subject of time management, I have come up with a simple truth. Learning to manage your life and your time isn't rocket science. Anyone can do it! In fact, it is often the simple things you can do that will make profound differences. Sometimes you even have to go backward in order to go forward; so let's go back-to-basics with this example.

First, grab a pencil and paper. Think back to the time you started school, all the way back to kindergarten. One of the first things you learned was how to identify shapes. Next you learned to draw them. On that sheet of paper I want you to do something very simple. Draw one triangle. That was simple, wasn't it? Now, draw as many triangles as you can in twenty seconds. Stop. Count how many you were able to draw. Write down that number. Do you think there might be another way to complete this activity and draw more in less time?

Start at one side of the paper and draw connected W's all the way across the page. Now put a line across the top and the bottom. See how many you can draw in twenty seconds using this method. Wow, that creates a lot of triangles! In only a few seconds you have learned to do this activity more efficiently and effectively in a much shorter amount of time. A seemingly insignificant change can make a significant difference in what can be accomplished in a given amount of time. In fact, you most likely made up to four or five times as many triangles the second time around.

What if you could do four or five times your sales volume by making a simple change? Or what if you could get four or five times as much done each day by making a simple change? Would that work for you?

If so, always be on the lookout for "new" ways to do "old" things, and keep your mind open to using alternative methods and plans of action. This book is filled with simple things that can make a profound difference. Are you ready to learn some new ways to manage your life and your time even better?

Then let's get started!

Today, you can get Twice as Much in Half the Time for only $10.00. This is a 37% savings off the regular price of $15.95. For more information or look inside the book, just click here.

“What do I do with my hands when I’m speaking?” is a common question that I hear when I’m teaching public speaking. Your hands form an important part of your non-verbal communication, or body language, and can help you convey confidence and communicate more effectively to your audience.

Here are 5 tips for what to do with your hands:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt.
The Self-Esteem Book

This is your chance to boost what is one of the most important ingredients for our success and happiness and yet one that we often ignore or put to one side.The book gives you three very well structured parts that together form a road map to improve the quality of your life by enhancing your self-esteem.
You can benefit from The Self Esteem System

The Definitive Book of Body Language

by Barbara and Allan Pease

This international bestseller reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication to give you confidence and control in any face-to-face encounter–from making a great first impression and acing a job interview to finding the right partner.

(... more) or

There has been much discussion in recent years about gay parents in children's books,a nd it has happened again.

Would you buy this book for your children?

Here's the latest report on the discussion ...

Will they or won’t they? That had been the question. Would a book with a pair of gay characters appear at Scholastic’s book fairs? If not, there was angry talk of a boycott. And if so, well, there is also angry talk of a boycott. The book in question is a novel called “Luv Ya Bunches” by Lauren Myracle. The book is aimed at readers ages 9 to 12 and it tells the story of four girls with nothing in common except that they are all named for flowers.

Read more ...

Work should be just one part of your life.

“How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? ”

Leo has written an excellent post in which he looks at answers in several parts

1. Being achievement-motivated.
2. Being a workaholic.
3. Learning to relax and de-stress.
4. Learning to feel good about it.

Read his post How to Stop Being a Workaholic