Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.


"The worst sin - perhaps the only sin - passion can commit, is to be joyless."

-- Dorothy Sayers

"Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now; you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else."
Wayne Dyer

“To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious.”

-– Samuel Butler


The Passion Test

The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful way for anyone to discover what matters most to them in their life. When you consistently choose in favor of those things, your passions, you will find yourself filled with a sense of purpose.

Take the Passion Test

“Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him,
and to let him know you trust him.”

-Booker T. Washington

As your organization gears up for 2010, here are 50 ways to ensure that it's culture is conducive to innovation. Commit to a few of these today and begin to work your magic.

finish_strongA collection of amazing stories of personal courage and inspiration. Each engaging chapter is a quick hit of energy guaranteed to brighten your day. A great gift for sales teams, students, athletes, and anyone else that appreciates a shot of inspiration

And death came third

by Andy Lopata , Peter Roper

It has often been said that the two key skills for any business in the 21st Century are an ability to communicate a message - and a hungry market to communicate that message to. Now, for those outside of the corporate world, the best way to achieve these two objectives is through networking and speaking to groups.
Andy Lopata and Peter Roper have written a really handy book on how to achieve this. But the book is more than just a guide to the shy and anxious. In a very simple way Andy and Peter have explained how anyone can improve the way they are perceived in the market place through networking and public speaking.

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or check it out at Amazon

"It is a very funny thing about life - if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it."
W. Somerset Maugham