DATELINE: 5th February, year 2410. Canterbury, formerly in Britain, now part of The Great European Empire.

Jedd Adams, the last surviving English speaker, died aged 87 last night in his sleep. His death marks the end of a language that once was predominant across the world.

Hmmm interesting thought! Read more about what prompted this idea here

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
Brian Tracy

Can you imagine getting rid of absolutely ANY fear or phobia...
... In just 10 minutes?
Scientists have just given the official nod to a brand new NLP-based system that enables you to literally "erase" old fears and phobias - in a matter of minutes.
Fear of public speaking, fear of spiders, fear of death, fear of failure - whatever it is - it can be permanently deleted. Read about it here

"Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be."

-- Morris Adler

"A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before we changed."

Earl Nightingale

Insights into the benefits of meditation, visuals with music from Meditation is part of the 8 point Luscious Lifestyles Program promoted by Jasmuheen and the Embassy of Peace.

In this message, Harold W. Becker shares that in this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us. For more please go to

He continues this is most likely not a question you may have ever considered for yourself or one that you have heard discussed by others. It is perhaps even one that you may wish to ignore at this stage of your journey. Yet, this beautiful and amazing transformative power and potential remains ever present until such time you feel the strength and courage to ask and accept its reality in your heart.

Why ask ourselves this question? Long ago we drifted away from our innate loving wisdom and allowed our consciousness to embrace the notion that our outer reality of form was our source of life. We became mesmerized and subsequently reliant upon our creations and forgot the power within our own being. Over time, this separation led to a sense of self doubt and with it, the corresponding manifestation we call fear. Unaware of the ultimate effect of our ongoing outer focus, we handed down our beliefs, notions, perspectives and ideals from generation to generation, century after century, often without stopping once to go within and ask a single question as to whether what we believe or do is actually coming from our own personal truth.

We stand at the threshold of opportunity to reconnect with our heart and allow the fullness of our wisdom to once again guide us. In an instant, we reverse the ignorance of ages by a clear and genuine acknowledgement of ourselves. By our own choice, we release the boundless freedom and joy and accept the potential that heals not only ourselves, also each other and our wondrous planet we call home. Can such a simple question really make this profound a difference? Answer it honestly, willingly, with an open heart and without hesitation, and you may be surprised by your own undeniable conclusion.

Do I love myself unconditionally?

What could there possibly be not to love? Our size, shape, color, age, gender? Our supposed status and achievements in life or the lack thereof? Our choices, mistakes and behaviors from the past? Our lost hopes, dreams or physical connections with others? These outer conditions and garments are only the forms we use to experience and evolve through life - they are not who we really are. Long after the forms dissolve and the expressions disappear, there is one thing that will always remain - Love.

The unconditional acceptance you have for yourself right now is the unconditional love you naturally will have for all others and Life itself. Allow yourself to embrace the knowing of love held within your heart and you share it with the world.

Emily Farrell makes a good case for " classic".

'Love Story' is a readable classic, she writes, Forty years after it was written, it still draws teens to its universal issues.

Is it better to read "Love Story" by the late Erich Segal, who died recently, or "Hamlet," by the really late playwright William Shakespeare? The answer seems obvious to most educated people. "Hamlet" is the world's greatest tragedy; "Love Story" is trash.

But they are both classics. Yes, both. If a classic stands the test of time, "Hamlet" needs no defense. And as this high school English teacher can attest, "Love Story" still resonates with teenagers 40 years after it was written. The boys still identify with the struggle of being independent from parents, and the girls understand the desire to marry a man who is rich and athletic. Everyone cries when Jenny dies and sobs when the Barrett men finally admit, "Love means never having to say you're sorry."

A classic deals with universal dilemmas.

... And this is the first of the major points she makes in support of her viewpoint ...

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
-- T. S. Eliot

with Paul O. Radde, PhD

Paul Radde

Your normally well-received presentation isn't going so well. You are used to people laughing, nodding, and being engaged, but this room is set with rounds of 8 and people's backs are to you. And the last row is so far back you can't see their eyes. Or maybe you're a light-hearted speaker and the rigid straight-across rows don't allow anyone to see each other, which you know is critical for humor.

What is the right setup for your presentation? How do you specify and educate meeting planners to set the room to get more engagement from the audience? Are there better designs to give the planner and the hotel staff? How can the seating setup affect back-of-the-room sales?

You will learn how to:

  • use state-of-the-art seating arrangements to optimize the learning environment, and increase capacity and back-of-the-room sales!
  • improve line of sight, comfort, safety, access, audience responsiveness, and networking.
  • utilize 4 state-of-the-art seating principles to design, set or troubleshoot or set any meeting room, and use 3 factors to fine-tune the room.
  • put into action tips on design, A/V, traffic flow, noise, and lighting.
  • accommodate last-minute registrations and ADA requirements.

Click here for all the details ...

"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."

-- John Foster Dulles