"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation."
Pearl S. Buck
"I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks. I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes. I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone else went to sleep."
Greg Evans
If you have a web presence, surely you've at least thought about launching a product or program if you haven’t already done so.
Have you achieved the maximum results you desire?
Ali Brown hasn't only attempted it--she's perfected it into an art form. In fact, she recently sold over 600k worth of a product in just ONE WEEK and she is now ready to show you how she did it.
The best part of it all is that Ali focuses on making the process as simple as possible.
If you want in on this simple, step by step process to make YOUR product and program launch easy and lucrative, then you'll want to sign up for her upcoming call.
On Wednesday, March 31 at 8pm Eastern time, Ali will present:
"Secrets to Enjoying Six-Figure Online Product and Program Launches." Do your business justice by participating, and learn how to access the specifics you’ll need to execute an amazing launch! Please reserve now:
Here's what you’ll take away from this 75-minute complimentary call:
*The five simple steps it takes to plan an extremely profitable online launch for your products and programs.
*How to pull off a six-figure launch with little to no team or staff.
*Ways to keep your launch simple yet successful – using tools you're likely already using or are even FREE -- NO complex webinars or videos required. It's all about maximizing what you already have!
*Secrets to using social media for your launches – Twitter and Facebook can work wonders even for those of you with small or nonexistent email lists.
*Exciting details on the debut of her BRAND NEW "Product Launch System," which will lay out for you, step-by-step, how to do your own profitable launch with ease.
Again, learn more and register for this complimentary call taking place on Wednesday, March 31 by visiting:
Consider yourself cordially invited to this one-time event. It's been engineered especially for entrepreneurs who would like to generate greater response and more money when launching a product, program, or event online.
See you on the call!
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We know that modern medicine can fix a broken bone, heal an infection or transplant a heart (or lung or kidney), but the healing of the soul requires insight and inspiration. Our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle have gathered a collection of films that each offer a glimpse into the myriad and sometimes magical ways we experience healing at the deepest level. These are films that will open your heart and lift your soul. When Harvard's championship basketball coach Kathy Delaney-Smith discovers she must endure surgery, chemo and radiation to battle breast cancer, she adopts a winning strategy from her own play book, in the short film Act As If. This engaging documentary of a decorated Ivy League coach demonstrates the power of the mind to overcome any obstacle. A broken heart nearly leads to suicide for young Trudie in the short film,Dandelion Dharma. During a visit to the community garden plot she once shared with her beloved, a mysterious trio of eccentric older women suddenly appear. While offering Trudie stiff drinks, they share saucy tales of their own doomed romances, where "beginnings come from endings, endings from beginnings." Sign up for a FREE trial of Spiritual Cinema Circle by 4/13/10 to experience these magical short films, you also get:
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In this book, You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School, the goal is to share many of the simple truths of leadership that the author learned in 30 years as an entrepreneur. And the one he shares here, he says is near the top of his list. The chapter is titled, Attitude Isn't Everything, but It's Pretty Darn Close. Enjoy!
Excerpt from:
You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School,
by Mac Anderson
When hiring someone, start with the premise that attitudes are contagious. Then ask yourself one question...is theirs worth catching?
I've been in business for over 30 years and I've come to realize the difference in success and failure is not how you look, not how you dress, not how much you're educated, but...HOW YOU THINK!
In my business life, I've watched many very intelligent people fail miserably because they have a negative attitude; and I've also observed just as many people with average intelligence soar to success because of positive attitudes.
Southwest Airlines' VP of People is often asked the question: How do you get your people to be so nice? Her answer is always the same...
It sounds almost too simple to feel important, but "hiring nice people" has been the cornerstone of their amazing success in a highly competitive industry. They understand their competitors may be able to match their price and copy their business model, however, they feel that the spirit and the attitude of their employees will be extremely difficult to replicate. Never forget...
Great customer service is only delivered by nice, passionate, caring employees. There is no other way it can happen.
You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School is loaded with stories that are shared in a brief, but engaging way. Because so many times it's not what you say, but how you say it, that turns the switch from "off" to "on."
To watch the 3 minute movie for You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School or to see inside the book, just click here.
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
-- John Wayne
"Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
-- Albert Einstein
Do you keep forgetting that you are primarily a soul having an earthly experience?
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
-- Norman Vincent Peale
This is a great article ....
The ideas are simple, but powerful, and they apply as much to public speaking as they do to conversation.
Some of the headings are:
Express your thoughts clearly:
The effective communicator has empathy:
Be "truly present"
Be a good listener:
... and more - you can read the article in the Pivotal Magazine
Ideas are always a creative response to a problem without a present-day solution. People dream them up as the wonder what they might do to solve their problems, and they draw on inspirations from their environments around them to do so. What people forget is that neither their problems, nor the inspirations from which they draw solutions, are exclusively theirs. Everyone else is likely to face almost the same challenges. And they'll certainly come up with similar solutions.
This, more than any other reason, is why you often see the same idea surfacing in two or more places at once, even when the creative people proposing the solution don't know each other at all.
It seems logical to conclude, given this, that if you want to increase the success of your innovation efforts, getting more ideas will probably not have the result you're looking for.
Many people argue that what is actually needed is a systematic process which allows creative people to generate a track record of big product hits. This follows from the fact that it isn't ideas which are important to the innovation process, but the execution which follows them. Clearly, there are limited resources available in any organisation, so focussing on big ideas must be a good idea.
This, of course, is the strategy that's been followed by Apple, and other companies of its ilk. First, it released iPod, a massive hit that redefined the way that music is sold. Then it sold iPhone, which makes the name of the game in telephony about Apps, rather than features. And recently, it's released iPad, which it hopes will redefine the way customer acquire and use the products of the liberal arts.
None of these products are especially innovative, and they certainly aren't category unique. It is hard to say they are, by themselves, innovative. But they are designed beautifully, and each has built its success on the last.
This, in the end, is the real sign that a company has a successful innovation effort under way.
Would you like to create a track record of hit products? The easiest way to do it is create an innovation program with laser-sharp focus on what works. James Gardner's free online innovation book will help you start.