If I had to pick one key to success for any business, it would be this: create a service culture. However, what many companies fail to realize is that a service culture is more than serving the customer. It's also about serving each other.

A manager should make it clear to each employee: your job is not to serve me. In fact, it's the opposite...my job is to serve you. My job is to give you the tools you need to serve our customers, but more importantly, I must create a climate where we enjoy serving each other.

Of course, the key to serving each other is built around two core values: mutual respect and working together.

That's what A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is all about. It's a short story that author, BJ Gallagher, has told in an amazing way, about how to create a land of opportunity in any organization. In fact, Ken Blanchard...the best selling author of The One Minute Manager said this:
"Every once in a while a small book comes along that deals with a profound subject in a simple, elegant way. A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is that book!"

And the results speak volumes. Over 300,000 copies have been sold to organizations around the world to reinforce that "attitude" of mutual respect and working together that is critical for any business or organization to succeed.

Click here to read more about our featured book today as well as 2 more that I think combine to make a well-rounded set for any business .... A Peacock in a Land of Penguins, Customer Love and The Richest Man in Town

"Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly if and when at all."
Napoleon Hill


How to improve your memory in a snap? It’s never too late to use your memory capacity to its full potential. Learn the natural techniques and never forget an important event or a person’s name anymore.

"Live out of your imagination, not your history."

-- Stephen Covey

From one of my favourite "gurus" ....

How do you make your presentation more interesting to your audience? Perhaps the most important technique is to include them when you speak. You can choose your words to engage your listeners — or leave them out. If you leave them out, boredom is the probable result. In this article, I'll give you some specific techniques for crafting your content in a way that grabs the attention of your audience.

Here's the rest of the article in Pivotal Magazine

"Sophistication and lifestyle is understanding the difference between trinkets and treasures."

-- Jim Rohn

"We are not what we know. We are what we are willing to learn."

-- Council on Ideas

"The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary."

Thomas Edison


Have you ever had problems in remembering names, numbers, grocery items needed, and other little details such as the location where you placed your car keys this morning? The truth is, we all have our moments of forgetting little bits of information that matters at the exact moment we need them.

But did you know that memorization techniques boil down to two basic things? These are ways on how you focus your attention and create a meaning in correspondence to the information or object you store in your memory. With memory techniques, you encourage your mind to be creative while utilizing your innate memory skills.

One of the proven memory techniques known today is called the Link Method. As mentioned above, enhancing your memory skills require you to become creative and imaginative which are considered very strong memory boosters when exercised correctly.

Using the Link approach, it has been proven that an object associated to the next on the list is less confusing to do, not to mention the order of the information included are also memorized easier. The list of items to be memorized can easily be remembered no matter how irrelevant they are from one another. With continuous practice and diligence, Link Method allows you to remember things from the top of your head without getting stuck in frustration in the middle of urgency. Now isn’t that a good thing? Of course it is.

Let me give you an example. Say you need to remember five items. We can take the items as the following; a cat, rice, hat, pigeon and fence. They are entirely different and have no relevance from one another but remembering these bits of information is a piece of cake with pure Link Method. What you need to do is have your imagination working by starting on the cat. Imagine it as a Siamese cat that eats rice since he’s from Siam. The rice is served in a hat but then, a pigeon comes along and starts to eat the rice. Seeing this, the cat chases the pigeon away and ends up landing in the fence.

What you can do in addition to the scene above is to create details for each character. Try to imagine the colors, location and other important details as you construct the scene. Experts found out that the memory skills of a person work very well with colors. However, it is not so good when it comes to shapes.

Going back to the scene we’ve created, plus points would go for funnier imagination. Humans respond and capture vivid images that are unique and funny. It may sound crazy but it’s proven to work. Imagination and memory is a good pair that works excellent together. Using it takes less of an effort but requires enthusiasm and willingness.

These are just basic factors you can learn out of the entire section of memory techniques. Find out more 

Ford County: Stories
~ John Grisham
"Ford County is the best writing that John Grisham has ever done. Grisham has always had a rare gift for breaking hearts when he invokes unforgettable images of the broken, hopeless South. Some of the stories are hilarious, and Grisham’s gift of humour has never found a showcase like this. One of these stories should find its way into the anthologies of the best short stories of 2009. It might not happen, but I for one think the stories in Ford County are that damned good."

I found a very interesting software for your PC that supports you in manifesting your life dreams - all of them! I personally use it since a while and it is fantastic.

They say that statistics on rich and successful people show that simply shifting their thinking is the major key that has changed their lives. Manifesting your dreams does not depend on your education, on your ethnicity or heritage, and in no way is it determined by your environment. It is only the result of your thinking!

Learn more about here: http://bit.ly/clcjZ8