Nick Morgan has written a very useful, practical post here.
I just love his introduction:

Let’s talk about the marketing materials you need to develop a paid public speaking career.  There are a few essentials:  a DVD, a website, a book, a one-sheet.  And a number of should-haves: a social media presence, a blog, a press kit, handouts, YouTube videos.  And after that, the only limit is your imagination.  The Carrot Principle authors sent 4-foot stuffed carrots to speakers’ bureaus to catch their attention (it worked).  A speaker we know sent live goldfish to speakers’ bureaus for the same reason (the goldfish mostly died).  Seth Godin reaches out to his base with promotions, seminars, special deals, unique offers – almost daily.  He’s a brilliant marketer, and it shows (and it works).

But let’s talk about the essentials first.

... and you can read them here ...

"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us."

Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire

A Story:

There is a Chinese story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills and when the farmer's neighbors sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?"

A week later, the horse returned with a herd of horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?"

Then, when the farmer's son was attempting to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?"

Some weeks later, the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer's son with his broken leg, they let him off. Now was that good luck or bad luck?
Who knows?

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

James Matthew Barrie

"You are what you think. You are what you go for. You are what you do!"

-- Bob Richards