"The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started”

-- Norman Cousins

Someone asks for a copy of that document. Where is it?

You know you have the information for that presentation somewhere.

Or maybe you are fighting a losing battle to make sure the bills are paid on time, or your children go to the right performance on the right day. Can you find that information? Can you keep control of what has to be done when?

If we are to stay in control, then “Find” is the key word here.

And if we are to be able to find what we need when we need it, our filing systems have to match our finding needs. My needs are not your needs and your needs are not the same as someone else’s, so the system has to be designed to suit you – not me, or someone else and certainly not the person who held the job before you.

Find out some ideas on how to set up a system that works for you, with my free tips. Just send me a request and I will send them to you.

The days of the shrinking violets are over. The world is changing, and there is no longer a future for people who are unable to promote themselves and sell their services and skills.

As the economy changes and hopefully eventually shakes off the current recession, one thing that is not going to come back will be jobs. 9.5 million unemployed in the USA alone or 10% of the work force.

What does that mean to the man in the street? It means that no longer will you be able to send in a resume, twiddle your thumbs through an interview and start work the next week.

What will you need to do? If you hope to find a job, you will need to be dynamic in your presentation of yourself and your skills. You will be competing with many applicants and you have to stand out.

If you can’t find a job because there are none, for instance in the motor manufacturing sector in the US, then you will need to offer your skills as a freelancer or consultant and your success will depend on how you can present yourself.

One thing is for sure. Shy and retiring isn’t going to do it for you. And it needn’t be so. Presenting yourself in public, or also known as public speaking, can be learnt. This is not a skill that you are born with and that only a rare number of people have. Nobody is born cowering in the corner too shy to speak up.

Do you know many kids who are not noisy, brash and in your face? Would you feel comfortable about presenting yourself in a job interview situation or talking to a group of people, where you wanted them to sit up and listen to you and take you seriously?

Public speaking is a skill that you can acquire.

This will be of huge importance to you. You need these skills applying for a job. You need them when trying to grow your business if there are no jobs available. If you are thinking of starting an internet marketing business, you should include video presentations and podcasts as part of your marketing mix.

In fact, there is really no situation in your life where you don’t present yourself and where you don’t need some strong public speaking skills. It’s a misunderstood discipline mostly, as people tend to think of public speaking involving a microphone, huge auditorium and loads of people.

Not so. Your public speaking skills are of great use in countless situations. And as formal employment goes out of the window, more and more people will have to rely on their public speaking skills to further their careers and businesses.

Michael Lee
Download an amazing FREE report that reveals the simple steps to deliver a dazzling presentation and get a standing ovation every time at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/dazzling.htm

... In just 10 minutes?

Scientists have just given the official nod to a brand new NLP-based system that enables you to literally "erase" old fears and phobias - in a matter of minutes.

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Regardless of how experienced you are as a speaker, the thought of how the audience will think about you will have surely crossed your mind many times. If you are always worried about what your audience thinks about your speech, here is a short public speaking guide to guarantee a good impression amongst your audience.

1. Refrain from reading notes

It is acceptable to glance at your notes infrequently, but not all the time. When speaking, always make sincere eye contact with your audience. Ensure them that THEY are the most important people during your speech. Speak out loud and clear. Sound confident. Do not mumble. If you made an error, correct it, and continue. Don't apologize profusely; the audience probably will not notice it.

2. Pause and relax

Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. When shifting from point to point in your speech, your audiences probably need time to digest whatever is being said. Don't race through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of breath. While giving time to your audience, maintain your smile. Before you start again, count to three. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform your nervous energy into enthusiasm.

3. Communicate with your audience

The key to a successful speech, or in fact, any presentation is to communicate ideas to your audience. If what you prepared beforehand seems to be misaligned with the audience expectation, do not hesitate to make improvements on the spot. If you find out mid-way that your audience are interested in politics, mix some of them in it. If they are interested in finance, use currency as an analogy. Be prepared to make changes, or even simplify your speech. Ultimately, you want your audience to understand you and your ideas.

Applying the subtle techniques in this short public speaking guide will transform your audiences' impression of you. Practice them constantly to bring out the best in you and your presentation.

Good luck,

MJ is a young enthusiast and expert in public speaking. Helping and supporting others in gaining confidence to speak out is his passion.

Visit http://www.publicspeakinghelp.jjtipbits.com now to experience learning from a World champion.

by Richard Zeoli

This engaging audio program is like having your very own public speaking coach to guide you, motivate you, and inspire you to unleash your potential, and achieve results! This exceptional audio program will teach you the skills to present your product, your service, and yourself with confidence before a crowd of any size - whether five people in a company boardroom or 5,000 people in a crowded arena.

Someone Once Asked Me...How would you define your management and leadership style? Silly, grasshopper!

In seriousness, I responded that I have a blended style most influenced by Stephen Covey (initially with the Franklin Planner Class taken many moons ago), and over the last few years David Allen with his Getting Things Done methodology. I am absolutely goal and results oriented, but I would classify that as my management style.

Leadership is completely different. Leadership is about people, and helping others to be more successful than if they had never met you. My leadership style is dynamic, and almost chameleon like, meaning, I attempt to change to be the most effective for the given situation. People, and thus situations, are unique, and require a custom leadership style. However, with that said, you must have consistency, and even though the style may be different, or the path to get where you are going may be different, the end result should be the same. To obtain consistency, you rely upon your principles, and values to guide the way - they are your rock, your foundation. Staying true to your values and principles is how you build credibility and it is how you 'lead by example', or never get in a situation where you 'ask someone to do what you would not do yourself'.

I also fully believe that people inherently want to the right thing, and most importantly, they want to do a good job and be successful. Of course, there are some that fall out of that, but fortunately, they are easy to pick out, and the solution is to send them on their merry way. However, there are good people, who are not successful. Why? They either do not have the tools to be successful, or they are in the wrong career/position. Through careful conversations, one must determine the root cause. Possibly the right answer is to help them see that they are in the wrong position, and help them get in the right position, which may be inside your company, or even outside. Even if the person does need to leave the company, eventually, they will be better off both from a career and personal perspective. If the person is in the right position, then the issue could be situational, communication, or tools. The key is to identify the barriers of success, and then put a plan in place to resolve. More often than not, the root cause is communication - did the person know the goal, what is preventing the goal from being achieved. Identifying the problems is the key to success.

TWS (TW Smith) is one of the key authors on the website, Random Central, a site dedicated to random thoughts and ideas to make life more enjoyable. Please visit our web site for tips and tricks on life's challenges.
