I enjoyed this little video ... but I'm not sure that the book was disappointed. During its short life, I think it was loved and appreciated a great deal.
Most entrepreneurs and solopreneurs that I facilitate have difficulty when it comes to be able to stop negative thinking. Negative thoughts can cost you a bundle in achieving your goal of financial success.
Negative attitudes and thoughts release a poison into our bodies and that causes more negativity and feelings of unhappiness. This paves the way for failure, disappointments, and frustrations.
There are several little known resources, tips ideas that not only can save you a ton of money, but make you dream affordable. And I am about to reveal 3 simple stress management tips to stop negative thinking.
#1: Smile
If you have been raised in a negative atmosphere, it may be difficult at first to start thinking in a positive way. The first step is to smile more. A smile is said to be contagious. Try smiling at a stranger and see if it is returned. Smiling gives you a healthier sense of well-being and it takes fewer muscles than frowning!
#2: Thoughts and attitude
Thoughts and attitudes cannot be changed in an instant or even over night. It takes work to make your mind aware that it is thinking negative thoughts or putting out negative images.
It has to be trained to think only good and positive thoughts. Visualize positive outcomes to the situations in your life.
This will take patience and perseverance and it is something that will need to be worked on every day. Soon, positive thinking will become more natural and you will think good thoughts automatically.
#3: Visualization
Visualization is a great way of turning negative thoughts into positive ones.
When a situation pops up, look at it and allow your mind to see a positive outcome. Expect things to work out instead of picturing the worst possible outcome.
You may believe the power of positive thinking is a dream or a myth. Why not give it a try for just a few days or a week.
See if your attitude will change toward your circumstances.
Remember, positive attracts positive.
Smile often! It may change your life and help you achieve your dreams.
One of the biggest obstacles that prevent entrepreneurs and solopreneurs from being able to stop thinking negative is that they are too busy.
I hope I have helped to change your thinking. When you realize how simple and easy it is to relieve your stress on a daily basis, you will look forward with excitement to search and find more opportunities to have fun each day.
About the Author, Cecil McIntosh
Curious about additional, effective stress reduction tips? You can discover 21 extra effective ways for creating your own stress relief management system with the free "21 Stress -Stopper formulas for a healthy and happy life" special report at http://emptyyourcup.com/stressstopperformula.php
Well do they?
No I'm not asking if they were distracted.
I'm asking, Could they hear you?
Breath is what allows you to project your voice.
Did they hear each word?
Articulate each word, so that they know what you said. Make sure your pronunciation works for your audience. Do they relate to your colloquialisms and sayings?
Explain abbreviations and acronyms or at least make sure their context ensures they are understood.
Don't lose the audience before they even have a chance to be distracted, and you will if they don't even know what you said.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." John F. Kennedy |
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The impact of your presentation is not an accidental by-product of that presentation. It is something you create deliberately. And this is a vital recognition – one of the basic secrets of success in public speaking.
Before you can work on creating that impact, you need to know what you want it to be. Define the Impact
What exactly is the impact going to be? In other words, you need to define:
How will your audience respond to your speech or presentation?
What will they take away with them and remember?
What will they remember of you?
Why will they think “Wow what a fabulous presentation!”?
"To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed."
-- Bernard Edmonds
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." --- Albert Einstein
Why is it that speakers spend days, months, and years crafting and polishing their platform presentations but balk at spending 30 minutes polishing their web, blog, and newsletter content? Yet time consistently spent on the latter can be crucial in getting to do more of the former.
Do not attend/listen to this seminar if you have all the web traffic, blog readers and ezine subscribers that you can handle buying more of your services and traffic than you have available. However, if you would like to increase your traffic and monetization, invest an hour and find out what you’re missing.
In other words, if your web presence more closely resembles a Field of Pipe Dreams (if you build it, they most likely won’t come and if they do show up, they won’t buy any popcorn) than a Field of Dreams (bleachers are packed and the concession stand is humming), you’ll benefit from this fast-paced, overly informative hour.
We’ll cover key topics:
- Content is king but the natives are restless, or “I have a back button and I know how to use it!” Offer the right content to attract and engage your audience and keep them coming back.
- If you don’t ask, they won’t buy. Effectively merchandising your site.
- What you don’t measure, you can’t improve. Why Google Analytics is your best friend and the critical metrics that really matter.
- Plan your work and work your plan, using editorial calendars and other tools to deliver consistent, persistent messages to your target audiences.
- Why your blog should be the flagship of your social networking strategy.
- Why “give to get” is food for business.
- SEO for dummies and professional speakers/trainers/consultants too!
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Every client will increase their income, increase their time off, and increase their speed to financial freedom, but not everybody doubles their income, doubles their time off, and doubles their speed to financial freedom. The determining factor is how hard you play the game – so please play full out and you’ll win!