The Kids That Rip! Skateboarding School in Mesa, Ariz., is using Suzanne Selfors’s novel Smells Like Dog (Little, Brown, May) as the basis for its curriculum throughout the 2010-2011 school year. In addition to camps and skateboarding classes, the school is the first in the U.S. to offer a full-time academic and skateboard training program for a handful of students. The students’ lessons will tie in to chapters in the book (they have made their own compasses, studied Homer’s Odyssey, and visited a goat farm), and Selfors plans to visit the school at the end of the academic year. Here, a group of third-grade students visit with a basset hound from the Arizona Basset Hound Rescue.


A book-loving boy from the small Oklahoma town of Americus grapples with the travails of high school and takes a stand when it looks as though his favorite fantasy series, starring a young sorceress who hunts monsters and tyrants, might be banned from the local library. That’s the storyline of Americus, written by MK Reed and illustrated by Jonathan Hill, due from Roaring Brook’s First Second Books in fall 2011. This graphic novel is making an earlier, serialized appearance on the Web, where new installments have been posted three times a week since early June. Given the theme of the book, the publisher plans an online promotion to tie in with Banned Books Week, which this year takes place September 25-October 2. Here's how the book--and the serialization--came to be.


Enthusiasm is a necessary qualification for effective speaking. When you show enthusiasm it is contagious. The enjoyment and knowledge that is demonstrated for your subject will result in increased listener enjoyment and your speech being more convincing.

For public speaking, the enthusiasm required, as described by Coleman Cox, "is inspired by reason, controlled by caution, sound in theory, and practical in application, reflects confidence, spreads good cheer, raises morale, inspires associates, arouses loyalty and laughs at adversity."

Enthusiasm in public speaking is about being passionate about the subject of your speech and being able to convey it to others. The enthusiasm must be demonstrated in your tone of voice, body language, gestures and facial expressions to transfer it to your audience. The feeling of excitement must come through as you deliver.

Some people are naturally enthusiastic and they are that way because they have developed the necessary habits. You must want to be enthusiastic to become enthusiastic.

Frank Bettger author of "How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling" attributes his success to enthusiasm. His advice is "act enthusiastically and you'll be enthusiastic." By acting on his own advice he put his "heart" into selling and went from failure to the top of his field for several years.

If you are not naturally enthusiastic, it can be created as a result of your attitude and enjoyment of the topic or by believing in a cause. By taking the time to apply the following it is possible to develop enthusiasm:

1. Choosing a positive optimistic nature and attitude

2. By putting your whole heart and soul into every you do

3. Do not let criticism put you off your stride

4. Develop a burning desire in your subject by thinking about it and living it everyday.

5. Have an active interest in people

6. Spend your time with people who are genuinely enthusiastic. Their positive emotions will "rub off" onto you.

Unless you want to be enthusiastic you will never be enthusiastic. If you are ashamed of the topic or dislike it you will not be able to develop enthusiasm for it. Genuine enthusiasm only comes from something you believe in or enjoy.

One of the factors that contributed to the late John F. Kennedy's speaking success was the enthusiasm he displayed when delivering his speech. Sure, he had good speechwriters but without his enthusiasm, the speeches would not have been nearly as effective. A person conveying their speech in a monotone voice, boring and steady manner will not be as effective at getting their message across.

An enthusiastic delivery can overcome other shortcomings in your presentation. Where you are not naturally enthusiastic it can be developed provide you choose to be. By being genuinely enthusiastic and combined with preparation and knowledge your public speaking will be more confident and effective.

Be more effective in your public speaking and conversation with "The Art of Great Conversation." To claim your free preview visit

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

Starring: Jillian Michaels

Director: Andrea Ambandos

"If you really want to get a good workout and to jump-start your weight loss get this DVD you will not be disappointed. It's great for those who are short on time too and want to try something new; every workout is just under 30 mins!"

With another long hot American summer coming to a close, many students are scrambling to get back into “learning mode” before school starts. One of the simplest ways to ease that transition is with podcasts. Whether your passion is American History or Algebra, there’s probably an educational podcast out there for you.
While these programs probably won’t mirror your lesson plan, they will explore topics covered in class. Below is a sampling of some of the exceptional podcasts that both teach and entertain. Best of all – they’re free. Read on for your “2010 Downloading Curriculum.”

Here is the list =>

Australia's largest annual celebration of reading and books entitled Get Reading is on between 25 August and 30 September 2010.

This year’s catchcry is “get lost, get fresh, get hooked, get real and get comfy with a good book.”

Formerly known as Books Alive, the nine-year-old event is an Australian Government initiative promoted through the Australia Council for the Arts that encourages Australians of all ages to spend some time reading.


"Life is like riding a bicycle, in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving."

Albert Einstein

Just a thought ...
Clones are people two.
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag?

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Think "honk" if you're telepathic.
Check out the current "Just for fun"page at

The Pivotal Kids Ezine went out today.

It included:

VideoGoogle Docs in Language Teaching

This week’s Article:   10 Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom

Activities for Kids

The Robert Louis Stevenson Website

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center: Publications


Tips for Reinforcing Good Problem Solving Skills

This week’s books…

The 39 Clues, Book 10: Into the Gauntlet

The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance

The Midnight Zoo

For Teachers and Kids Learning

Back to school 2010 buyer’s guide for Mac lovers

World Timelines

Classroom Antarctica

Don't Mess With the Sea

This week’s movie for kids now available on DVD: Marmaduke

along with the usual quotes and Just for Fun
You can read it here =>

It's all about balance, isn't it? Getting some more time for the family, time to relax. But how? Here are some tips to help ...