From Pivotal Kids

Space travel to the moon – watch an Apollo video

From Pivotal Teachers

Great science video – the Structure of an atom

From WRB

Thought for the day

From Pivotal Kids books

When Kids Lose Interest in Reading, Where Do You Turn?

From Pivotal Public Speaking

Speaking thought for the Day

From Pivotal Kids

Space travel to the moon – watch an Apollo video

From Pivotal Teachers

Great science video – the Structure of an atom

From WRB

Thought for the day

From Pivotal Kids books

When Kids Lose Interest in Reading, Where Do You Turn?

From Pivotal Public Speaking

Speaking thought for the Day

There is no easy route in perfecting time management. Although the idea of managing time may sound easy, many people are still finding it difficult to follow.

If you are one of those people who find it hard to follow time management, then here are some tips that you can follow.

1. See the BIGGER Picture

Time is a constant and abundant resource that people can't purchase or sell. It is a resource that can be shared with or can be shared from someone else.

And one effective way of managing it is by visualizing a bigger and clearer picture of your goal. Prioritize more the activities that would put you closer to your objective, and prioritize less those that won't. Carefully assess the tasks that need prioritization in order to accomplish activities that are closely related to your goal.

Many successful people today practice different time management forms and techniques, but if there's one thing these business minded people share in common. It's the vision of how they want to spend their business time.

2. AUDITING Time Management (For Professionals)

Ideally speaking, everything that a person should list and follow should be actively valuable towards their desired goal.

To make your auditing faster, the following are sub-breakdowns that many professionals spend their time on. Personal goals may differ, but the general idea of breaking goals down remains the same.

• People and Managing. Managing people can be sub-categorized in to three different areas namely;

1. Managing time across
2. Managing time up
3. Managing time down

If you're currently working as a leader or as a manager in a company, understand that the best way to spend most of your time is by directly supervising your team or co-workers below you.

This is also an effective strategy of teaching your employees while working your personal professional goal at the same time. Cultivating time-leverage upward not only benefits the team and the company, but it can also benefit you by moving closer to your goal.

3. CHARTS for Time Management

Presently, there are lots of these tips that are scattered all over the internet. The approach may vary sometimes, but believe that the basic idea is still there.

One common tip most time management tips share is in building a chart. Building charts are effective in reminding important plans ahead. Creating charts are also helpful in simplifying time management audits, as well as in pitching the whole picture of your goal.

Building a Chart:

a. Start building your chart by writing down the days and weeks in a month. Across its columns on top, write down your major tasks and goals that needs prioritization.

b. After you complete this activity, record the amount of time you spent under each category. This way you can easily monitor your progress and accomplishments in one day.

c. Try to stick to the plan as much as possible.

d. Avoid over doing it by stuffing to much work in one day.

By simply clicking on the link below, I will give you my best reports totally for free on effective time management tips and secrets.
Ashton Dixon

Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs. --Pearl Strachan

I believe that some things are meant to be. The Richest Man in Town is a wonderful book. It's a true story that will grab your heart and not let go!

Here is VJ Smith's brief introduction to one of my all time favorite books The Richest Man in Town.

from The Richest Man in Town
by V.J. Smith

I'm so glad I found you.

My friend, Aaron "Marty" Martinson, wrote those words in a note to me. On the pages that follow, you will discover that he didn't find me. I found him. And, thanks to Marty, I remembered a few things about life that I hadn't really thought about for a long time.

For years I had grand visions of writing a book about a leader who changed the course of history. I filled my personal library with biographies of presidents and statesmen. I wanted to understand what made their lives great - and what might be missing from mine.

In looking for answers I turned to books written by people who are successful in business and industry. For a while I searched for excellence, then I compared my habits to those of highly effective people. Like millions of people, I thought success equaled happiness.

The book I've written, though, is about a simple man who ran a cash register. He worked hard and was good to people. That, in turn, made him happy.

Can it be so simple? so free of complications? Marty thought so. He showed me how to be a better person, not one wealthier or more successful or more powerful.

He changed my life - forever.

For more information, or to look inside this great book, just click here. It also makes a wonderful gift for any occasion!

We all go through stages of our lives that we lose interest in some thing that we once enjoyed. There can be many reasons for the lose of interest. After all, we all go through changes in our lives that may cause this sudden disinterest. For many of us the lose in interest is only temporary. We regain our interest within a rather short period of time.

What makes our children any different than us? Don't they have the right to lose interest in some thing that they once enjoyed? Of course they do! It is the amount of time that they lose interest that can be concerning. We must determine why they have lost interest. This not only pertains to a lose of interest in reading, but many of the other things in life that they once enjoyed to do.

Did they lose interest in reading in the summer time? This is perfectly natural reaction after a long 9 months of school. A short break of one or two weeks at the most is absolutely understandable. If it becomes any longer, then we must regain there interest. The best way to regain their interest is to get them reading again. Make it fun for them by letting them chose their own reading material. A family trip to your local book store not only gives them a multitude of choices, but it is also good for family bonding.

It could also be a case of they are having trouble in school and decided it was just too hard. Even the most attentive parents many not be aware of the difficulties they are having in school until weeks later. If it is available to you, keep in constant contact with their teacher(s). Many teachers will provide you with their email address at the beginning of the school year. Keeping in contact will give you a head start if there is an academic issue. Then you will be able to tackle the problem before it gets out of hand.

Many kids just want to get noticed. They may have the lose of interest just to capture some attention. Children need constant attention and some times negative attention is just as good as positive attention. Praising and complimenting your child can go along way. Even if we think it is not a big deal, it is to them.

Author Scott Constable: I realize that there are thousands upon thousands of children's books to choose from out there. We try our best to offer books that will most aide in a child's development. I am a father of four children.

"The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension." -Ezra Pound, poet (1885-1972)

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