Do you know of an institution in Australia that has made really innovative use of information technology during the last two years?
*Now* is your chance to nominate it (and it could be your own institution) for the 2010 VALA Award.
Nominations are now invited for the 2010 VALA Award, for applications implemented between July 2008 and June 2010 inclusive - go to our Website at for more information.
Or perhaps you wonder how people get VALA Travel Scholarships, and whether you should try. Go to our Website at and find out more - it's worth up to $13,000!
Applications for both the Award and the Travel Scholarships close on Wednesday 3 November 2010.
Improve your social confidence dramatically as you learn how to master the art of social finesse: especially for those who find such situations very difficult to handle!
All the information is here =>
"Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn." -Elizabeth Lawrence
Hope you're enjoying the beautiful wonders of our season! Here's a movie to inspire you. Click on the picture or here => Natures Inspiration Movie
Join Library Journal and its partners at the San Francisco Public Library on December 6-7 for an exciting free seminar aimed at helping directors and marketing staff tell the library story in powerful ways that will turn stakeholders into strong library supporters. The Summit will pull in experts from the business, nonprofit, and library worlds who will guide participants in creating marketing plans that will build support for the library from customers, funders, and partners. Register now for this free event.
So you have to give a speech! It could be for a friend's wedding, for an eulogy, or a presentation at work. No matter what the reason if you are not used to public speaking your first thought might be "how can I get out of it." But don't panic as I can help you overcome your fears with organizing a speech.
A good speech that you are complemented on is great for your self-esteem. Good preparation and practice at least twenty times is the key to success and helps deal with nervousness.
I have been public speaking since 2006 and can help you get organized. Here is what I do when organizing a speech. =>
Your desk means a lot to you. It may be the place of your greatest creativity, or your most decisive business decisions. It may be the place that is the hub of your home management systems. It may be a sanctuary, an engine room or a creativity generator.
But if it is covered in piles of paper and other bits and pieces; if it is overflowing and ugly, then all of that creativity, efficiency and productivity is jeopardised, stifled and just plain difficult.
You know that, I know that, and we also know that the solution is to tidy it so that we can find things; make it attractive so that we are motivated; and to implement systems so that it stays that way. But somehow action to create this solution is a bit slow in coming. We are so busy doing the things we do at the desk to find the time to tidy it and set those systems in place.
The answer lies in one simple motivation – focus on the advantages. Visualise the desk as it could be, should be. Focus on how smoothly you will complete your tasks there and what a pleasant experience it will be.