If you're ignoring your link popularity--the number and quality of other sites that link to yours--your search engine rankings will suffer. Find out what makes good links and how to get them. => http://bit.ly/bz2D2o

with Debbie Bermont

“I’m frustrated.”
“How come?”
“I’m out there giving my seminar, but I’m not making the kind of money I’d like.”
“Do you have products you sell along with your seminar?”
“Why not?”
“No time. Do you know how long it takes to write a book? Or put together a video and get it edited and produced? I don’t have that kind of time.”
“I can see why you’re frustrated. Why don’t you attend Debbie Bermont’s teleseminar?”
“What will I get out of that?”
“She’s figured out how to produce products from every presentation, with little effort, that have brought her a lot of additional income.”
“Hmmm, sounds interesting. Where can I learn more?” => http://bit.ly/brI51x

Before I reveal the secret to becoming a consistently productive person, I have to debunk a myth about productivity. It's a myth that's so often repeated that many people still cling to it-even though it's rarely if ever effective.

You see, a lot of books and information products are packed with productivity techniques . . . as if the techniques, by themselves, could transform you into a top producer. But this simply isn't true. The fact is . . .

Techniques Alone Are Not Enough to Unlock Your Full "Productivity Potential"
Sure, techniques can help. But they're really not addressing the underlying issues.

The trick is not to fill your head with more techniques — it's to reprogram your mind so that work is no longer "hard" . . . but interesting and easy. So that you have fun getting things done. So that you stop causing self-induced stress . . . and begin working smoothly in the "flow" state.

The bottom line is, you must get rid of the limiting attitudes and beliefs you have stored in your subconscious mind and replace them with productive thoughts and habits.

This is why you cannot rely on traditional productivity techniques alone. You might make some progress, but you won't experience rapid transformation.

You don't need a new technique; you need a total "productivity makeover" to quickly transform you into the productive person you want to be. You need a shortcut.

So what's the secret to unlocking the most productive years of your life? I'll tell you . . .

The Secret Is to Eliminate Subconscious Blocks,
Create New Thought Patterns, and Harmonize
Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind
If all this sounds complicated, don't worry. It's actually far easier than you may think.

No more meekly saying 'yes'
When my heart is screaming 'no'
No more taming of my feelings
So my power won’t show
No more hiding my exuberance
From disapproving eyes
No more watering down myself
So my spirit won't rise

No more 'smalling up' of me
Pretending I am not here
No more running from the music
And the spotlight's glare
No more living in this prison
Barricaded by my fears
No more turning and retreating
In the face of new frontiers

Even as I am speaking
I am taking shape and form
Harnessing my powers
Like a gathering storm
There's no obstacle so bold
As to dare stand in my way
I am taking back my life
And I am doing it today.

Jean Wilson

Mathmagician is pretty straightforward timed practice. You type in the answers to each problem while watching the timer bar mark your remaining time.

Whether you are a professional in a solo-practice or own a small business, chances are you feel overwhelmed when it comes to marketing. While you may be an expert in your field, consistently attracting new clients probably isn’t one of your strengths.

Here is just a short list of "marketing culprits" that are likely keeping your business from reaching its full potential:

Unclear Target Market. It absolutely makes my marketing blood boil when I hear "our service can help everyone". How on Earth do you find everyone?
Confusing, Self-Centered Marketing Message. Since the early 1900 marketing geniuses like Claude Hopkins have been telling us that shouting "we are the best, come buy from us" doesn't work - no matter how loud you scream! Amazingly, over 90% of all marketing materials out there are doing exactly that!
'Hop-And-Drop' Approach. Any worthwhile skill takes practice. Yet most small business owners abandon each marketing tactic after just one try, without giving themselves a chance to get good at it. It's like a running rabbit - switching direction with every hop!
On and off approach. Spending a lot of time and effort on marketing when the business is slow, but then giving up on almost all promotional activities when business gains momentum!
Not Preaching To The Choir. Most businesses make the mistake of chasing new markets all the time instead of maximizing profits using their existing database of current and prospective clients.

If you can put a "yes, guilty as charged" checkmark next to any of those statements, chances are you are not profiting from your business as much as you could. To help unleash the extra profits currently hidden in your business or practice here is a simple Five Step Marketing Model.

Visual aids enhance a presentation; but they cannot rescue a poor communicator. Indeed, used without sufficient planning and practice, they can demolish the most expert orator. But once you have mastered them, you can increase the confidence and communication skills of your staff by coaching and encouraging them in the same techniques. It will improve the quality and efficiency of the way they pass information to you and to each other. The following visual aids can be considered to strengthen your presentation and communication skills.


Before I reveal the secret to becoming a consistently productive person, I have to debunk a myth about productivity. It's a myth that's so often repeated that many people still cling to it-even though it's rarely if ever effective.

You see, a lot of books and information products are packed with productivity techniques . . . as if the techniques, by themselves, could transform you into a top producer. But this simply isn't true. The fact is . . .

Techniques Alone Are Not Enough to Unlock Your Full "Productivity Potential"
Sure, techniques can help. But they're really not addressing the underlying issues.

The trick is not to fill your head with more techniques — it's to reprogram your mind so that work is no longer "hard" . . . but interesting and easy. So that you have fun getting things done. So that you stop causing self-induced stress . . . and begin working smoothly in the "flow" state.

The bottom line is, you must get rid of the limiting attitudes and beliefs you have stored in your subconscious mind and replace them with productive thoughts and habits.

This is why you cannot rely on traditional productivity techniques alone. You might make some progress, but you won't experience rapid transformation.

You don't need a new technique; you need a total "productivity makeover" to quickly transform you into the productive person you want to be. You need a shortcut.

So what's the secret to unlocking the most productive years of your life? I'll tell you . . .

The Secret Is to Eliminate Subconscious Blocks,
Create New Thought Patterns, and Harmonize
Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind
If all this sounds complicated, don't worry. It's actually far easier than you may think.

The distinction between a written speech and one that is presented effectively - is that spoken language is very different from the written.

Writing tends to use far longer, more convoluted sentences, which often use voices that we would not use in speech.

Try reading out the sentence you just read and see how awkward it sounds when it is spoken.

So if you need to write your presentation first, take the time to read it out loud, and then say those same ideas as if you were telling someone face to face. If you absolutely have to have a written draft, then re-write using what you said aloud. Make sure, though, that you can make eye contact.