A good introduction to the delivery of your presentation is extremely important. The first minute or so sets the stage for the rest of your talk.

You should start with an upbeat, positive mood. The first impression you make lasts. You want to quickly gain the attention, interest, and respect of your audience. Your first words should be lively, interesting, clear, and simple.

read more => http://bit.ly/hYUrJe

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."

-- Mark Caine

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."

-- Mark Caine

From the Pivotal Public Speaking email package ... a book ...

The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations with or without Slides
by Garr Reynolds

When we learn to present naked, we reach our audiences by communicating the essence of the message, stripping away all that is unnecessary and embracing the ideas of simplicity, clarity, honesty, integrity, and passion. If "slideware" is used, the slides never steal the show or rise above serving a strong but simple supportive role. The ideas in the presentation may or may not be radical, earth shattering, or new, but there is freshness to the approach and content that makes a lasting impression.

Read more ... http://bit.ly/ewrrwk

In the past 30 years, this author has been involved in 3 successful start-up companies and each became a leader in its niche.

He says he went through many peaks, valleys and learned many lessons along the way. So, in writing You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School he distilled all he learned into 28 simple truths of leadership.

Enjoy this chapter titled: "If You Chase Two Rabbits, Both Will Escape."

An excerpt from

You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School
by Mac Anderson

At Successories in 1997, I learned about the power of focus the hard way. I didn't - and I paid the price. Golf was the hot sport because Tiger Woods had just come on the scene. We decided to purchase a small catalog company called British Links, a leader in golf art and golf gifts. The logic was simple:
1. We understood the specialty catalog business, and were already mailing 20 million catalogs a year.
2. We understood the wall décor/framing business. Successories had become one of the largest framers in the country and half of the British Links' sales were from framed wall décor.
I won't bore you with the details of why this venture flopped, but within three years we sold the golf company for next to nothing. However, the most devastating part of the deal was not the money we lost from the sale of British Links, but the momentum we had lost growing Successories, our core business.
In hindsight, I was an idiot! It was like Ray Kroc saying, after having opened twenty McDonald's, it's time to get into the pizza business. Many other businesses - like Starbucks and FedEx - focused their way to success. Repeat after me,



You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School is loaded with stories that are shared in a brief, but engaging way. Because I truly believe that many times it's not what you say, but how you say it that turns the switch from "off" to "on."

For more information, to look inside this book or to view the 3 minute inspirational movie, just click here.

Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman expose the fallacies of standard management thinking in First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. In seven chapters, the two consultants for the Gallup Organization debunk some dearly held notions about management, such as "treat people as you like to be treated"; "people are capable of almost anything"; and "a manager's role is diminishing in today's economy." "Great managers are revolutionaries," the authors write. "This book will take you inside the minds of these managers to explain why they have toppled conventional wisdom and reveal the new truths they have forged in its place."
The authors have culled their observations from more than 80,000 interviews conducted by Gallup during the past 25 years. Quoting leaders such as basketball coach Phil Jackson, Buckingham and Coffman outline "four keys" to becoming an excellent manager: Finding the right fit for employees, focusing on strengths of employees, defining the right results, and selecting staff for talent--not just knowledge and skills. First, Break All the Rules offers specific techniques for helping people perform better on the job. For instance, the authors show ways to structure a trial period for a new worker and how to create a pay plan that rewards people for their expertise instead of how fast they climb the company ladder. "The point is to focus people toward performance," they write. "The manager is, and should be, totally responsible for this." Written in plain English and well organized, this book tells you exactly how to improve as a supervisor. --Dan Ring => http://amzn.to/fg2GUF

The brain is composed of two hemispheres, known as the left and right hemisphere. While each hemisphere has unique functions, both hemispheres possess the ability to analyze sensory data, perform memory functions, learn new information, form thoughts, and make decisions.

The way you use these abilities determines a large part of your personality and behavior. By the time we, as humans, are two years old, one hemisphere begins to dominate your decision-making process. Communication between the two halves is possible due to the corpus callosum and this process continues to improve until the age of 15.

The left hemisphere specializes in analytical thought. It is responsible for dealing with "hard" facts such as abstractions, structure, discipline, rules, time sequences, mathematics, categorizing, logic, rationality, and deductive reasoning. It is also responsible for details, knowledge, definitions, planning, goals, words, productivity, efficiency, science, technology, stability, extraversion, physical activity, and the right side of the body. Left hemisphere ability is the predominant focus in school and society.

The right hemisphere specializes in "softer" aspects than the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition, feelings, sensitivity, emotions, daydreaming, visualizing, creativity, color, spatial awareness, and first impressions. It is also responsible for rhythm, spontaneity, impulsiveness, the physical senses, risk-taking, flexibility and variety, learning by experience, relationships, mysticism, play and sports, introversion, humor, motor skills, and the left side of the body (the old belief that left-handed people are more creative does hold some scientific credence). The right hemisphere also has a holistic method of perception that is able to recognize patterns and similarities and combines those elements into new forms.

The Brain Type Test will determine which half is your dominant half, and to what degree. The test consists of 54 questions and should be completed in about 10 minutes. After completing the test, you will read your left and right brain score. You will also be have a detailed paragraph explaining the characteristics that are associated with your dominant side. Also included, is an analysis of the characteristics associated with each side of the brain. The detailed evaluation explains in great detail the exact nature of your brain's halves' ability to communicate with each other and how that communication affects your life in how you learn, remember, process data, and contemplate issues. => http://bit.ly/i09bX0

The Lake of Dreams
by Kim Edwards
At a crossroads in her life, Lucy Jarrett returns home to upstate New York from Japan, only to find herself haunted by her father's unresolved death a decade ago.  With her signature gifts of lyricism, suspense, and masterly storytelling, Kim Edwards's new novel will delight those who loved The Memory Keeper's Daughter and mesmerize millions of new fans.
You can get the link to the Discussion notes here => http://bit.ly/h0KC8o
(This is one of the books from the email package: Pivotal Books ezine. You can read the current issue here => http://bit.ly/h0KC8o )

The Lake of Dreams

by Kim Edwards

At a crossroads in her life, Lucy Jarrett returns home to upstate New York from Japan, only to find herself haunted by her father's unresolved death a decade ago.  With her signature gifts of lyricism, suspense, and masterly storytelling, Kim Edwards's new novel will delight those who loved The Memory Keeper's Daughter and mesmerize millions of new fans.

You can get the link to the Discussion notes here => http://bit.ly/h0KC8o

(This is one of the books from the email package: Pivotal Books ezine. You can read the current issue here => http://bit.ly/h0KC8o )

The librarian of a flood-stricken Queensland school was moved to tears last week by the generosity of Blackheath Public School captain Brendan Davis, whose love of reading is the inspiration behind a book drive to help students north of the border => http://bit.ly/eNUM62