This book is an antacid for knots, butterflies and pains which often accompany public speaking efforts. Text includes personal prescriptions for confidence, success and happiness from Zig Ziglar, Erma Bombeck, Hugh Downs, Cary Grant, Ann Landers, Rod McKuen, Norman Vincent Peale and others. It tells how to eliminate anguish, frustration and embarrassment when speaking in public. This is a classic by an award-winning speaker and it gives step-by-step instructions for healthier self-esteem through better oral communications.
His favorite quote for those who are afraid to accept the challenges of public speaking came from former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

YOU may have missed it, in the face of the apparently inexhaustible appetite for paranormal romance involving vampires, fallen angels and werewolves, but in the past few years another very different genre has been quietly gathering strength in young adult literature.

Finally we will get to to see the movie that has been made of the old favourite "There's a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake". It is showing at the St Kilda Film Festival on 28th May. You an have a sneek peak at the trailer here =>

Recent research into the development and acquisition of early literacy skills has conclusively shown that rhythm and rhyme play a hugely important role. This is because children's early literacy skills are about listening and speaking rather than reading and writing. These first two skills are the bedrock foundation for the latter, and create much stronger ability in the latter if ingrained deeply and early on.
In days gone by it was second nature for parents to sing nursery rhymes, chants and songs to their babies, dangling them on the knee, bouncing them up and down and inventing actions and silly games to accompany them. But according to this research, many children are no longer hearing these nursery rhymes as often (or if they do, just a very few) and therefore not benefiting in the same way as they once were. During my 10 years of teaching 5 year olds, I met many who had never heard or sung a single nursery rhyme in their lives, and indeed had been spoken to very little at all.
A report about this topic in the US found that in 1945 a typical child had a vocabulary of 10,000 words, compared to the 2,500 average of today. It concluded that many of the literacy problems faced by today's children are due to the fact that they are not memorising rhymes and stories in the way that they once were. [See this link for more information about this research.]
What's so great about rhyme? =>

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

Jamie Paolinetti quotes (American Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling)

 "Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, 
Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be."
-- Karen Raven

The University of St Andrews has a fair number of successful writers on its staff: poets, academics, novelists. But strolling the streets of the town, risking conversations with eccentric bird men, you’ll find Foz Meadows, an Australian-born young adult writer and author of Solace and Grief, the first of a trilogy, published in 2010. In March, Foz, gave an engaging talk to the University’s Literary Society about why Young Adult (YA) fiction matters. I talked to her about the genre of YA and her life as a writer. =>

Study Blue is a very handy study tool for high-school and college students that works the way they do. Students can use it to store notes and create flashcards. Study materials are then accessible anywhere that students have an internet connection and even from their phone. Best of all, it is free to sign up and get started! Study Blue helps students study more efficiently by keeping track of what students have already mastered, and what they still need work on. =>

Are you looking for a pick-me-up fr your latest PowerPoint presentation? Looking for some design ideas that you haven't seen before on everyone else's presentations?

I find that looking at other original designs sparks my own creativity. And oftentimes that has a flow on effect on my presentation. If there is a different way of looking at the slide, then there may be a different way of looking at the point I'm making. Or maybe it just fires up the neurones in my brain and they produce new thoughts. I'm not sure how it works, but it does.

So go check out The PowerPoint Templates (ppt). They have downloadable templates. And yes this is an affilaite link so I will make a few cents if you buy a template. But you can choose the low cost ones, or even scrounge through the sidebar and find the free templates. Or maybe, like me, you will just get some creative inspiration from looking at the products. These are graphics designers working here, so the creativity should be evident!

And while you are prowling round the site, look into the articles and tutorials. There is some useful information there.

Have fun!

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale Carnegie