Grasp your subject. The words will follow.
Cato the elder.

Happiness is a state of mind, and luckily for all of us, it is something we can choose to have. Sure there will be things that occur that may not make us happy, but overall the state of happiness is something we can choose to live in. Do you want to be happy/ Choose to be. And you can get there with these 5 simple tips.

Laugh more

This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get us to a point of happiness, laughing. Laughing is very therapeutic and something we all know how to do. No special tolls need to be learned, we just need to laugh. This can be done simply by watching a funny tv show or movie, or having lunch with that friend that can always make you laugh, or search on youtube for the funniest videos (I find a lot of clips from the show "Who's Line Is It Anyway" to be perfect for making me laugh). The key is to find things you find funny and watch or read them. Just do it anytime you are feeling down or unhappy and see how quickly you are brought back to a state of happiness.

Play more

This is another sure fire way of bringing you back to a state of being happy. Get out and play, have fun, move around. Get that blood flowing doing whatever is play for you. It could be playing catch with your kids, taking the dog for a walk, playing your favorite sport, doing cartwheels in the grass, etc. It really doesn't matter what you choose to play at, just play, get your body moving doing something that is enjoyable and fun. The more you play the happier you will be.

Love more

Often the cause for not feeling happy is because we do not feel enough love in our lives, we might feel isolated or alone. This is not uncommon and there is a way to bring more love into your life. The key is not to try to bring in love, but to give out more love. Find a way to give to others without any expectations of anything in return. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, become a big brother or big sister, volunteer to take dogs for walks at a shelter, etc. Give to others unconditionally and your heart will start to open. The more your heart is open the more you will be ready to receive love.

Don't be so Serious

Another thing that can lead to a lack of happiness is taking things and ourselves too seriously. We get caught up in perfection and a desire to always do everything right. We never want to look bad in the eyes of others so instead of taking some risks we play it safe and then feel down because we have not achieved all we know we are capable of achieving. So stop being so serious, stop worrying so much about what other may or may not think about you. Instead work on enjoying your life, taking risks and doing things that may make others uncomfortable. Do what you will enjoy.

Be Grateful

The final tip to bringing more happiness in your life is to start focusing on the positive things in your life. Start a gratitude journal, a simple book that you write down everything you are grateful for at the end of the day. These do not have to be groundbreaking things to be grateful for, you could be grateful for a delicious sandwich at lunch, or for that person who held the door for you, or for that penny you found on the ground, etc. They can be simple things; the key is to write down as many things as you can at the end of every day that you are grateful for. Then when you wake up each morning re-read what you write the night before to start your day out with the right positive mindset.

You can choose to have more happiness in your life if you just follow these simple 5 steps. Do these every day and you will be amazed how much happier you will be on a regular basis. Just be ready to hear from those around you how much happier you seem and know it is all because you took action and chose to be that way.


Sean is an internet entrepreneur who specializes in helping people to identify thier passion and find a way to turn that passion into a monetized website that makes sustainable passive income. To learn more about how to learn the basics check out

Australia has a well-established children’s literature scene, teeming with talent, and Australian Women Online is keen to showcase that talent by launching its Bedtime Stories series – a collection of exclusive short stories by established authors and new Australian writers.
Four stories will be published each month – one every Monday morning – on a central theme.

One of the most valuable antidotes to the fear of public speaking and public speaking nerves is to be prepared.

Preparedness and its relation to confidence covers many aspects.

And one of the most powerful is what I call “scouting the territory.”

If at all possible, arrive at the venue early and make it your own. Walk the walk you will make to the stage or lectern. Walk around the room and make yourself comfortable with your surroundings.

Make sure any equipment is prepared and become familiar with how it will work for you and your speech, and what the options are.

If the room could be set up better to suit your presentation, then organize to have that done, if possible.

The most important thing is to feel comfortable with those surroundings ... feel confident walking, standing, looking. later, when you are visualizing our presentation, you can include that feeling of confidence as you visualise yourself in the surroundings where you will present. Visualise the confident walk. Visualise yourself confidently using the space. And visualise yourself confidently presenting, and successfully incorporating any equipment.

Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

Let's begin by hearkening back to a time when Romans considered it to be good sport to feed Christians to the lions. One day, the festivities had been going as usual when a strange thing happened. The Christian in the arena whispered something to the lion. The lion then turned tail and slunk away.

The crowd was amazed. The Emperor was impressed. He let it be known that he would spare the Christian's life if the man would reveal the secret of what he had said to the lion.

The Christian was brought before the Emperor. In a powerful voice, he said, "I told him he would have to say a few words after dinner."

The lion's reaction should not surprise anyone who has been asked to "say a few words." If you are like most people, a jolt of adrenaline courses through your body, your heart beats a bit faster, and your breathing becomes shallow. It's possible, too, that your palms get sweaty, your knees feel like Jell-O, and your mind goes blank.

Some years ago, The Sunday Times of London published a list of people's greatest fears. The fear of public speaking took first place, while "death" placed seventh. Though I don't really believe that most people would rather die than speak, I have had clients say to me, "But you only die once!"


Does being afraid that you cannot effectively field questions by the audience keep you from accepting opportunities for public speaking? You are not alone; believing you will look like a dummy and lose your credibility (or the sale) for not knowing an answer can be overwhelming.

Growing beyond this concern starts with a look at this possibility from your audience's perspective. The audience has arrived because it has all ready been determined that you are credible and know what you are taking about. Agree with the person who gave you the nod to speak to this group.

Agreement is powerful and a two-edged sword. Two or more people who believe presenter may get themselves in trouble must be avoided at all costs so tell those close to you who are concerned to hush. Remember the audience is not thinking in this vein. These opposing actions can create a perfect storm. Did you see the movie? This is not a good thing.

Managing the, "I don't know" scenario is the same on and off the platform. You have a few ways to handle this.

1. Get Real and Plan: While planning the presentation play devil's advocate by intentionally trying to stump yourself. Looking at the presentation in an attempt to pick it apart is a best practice and is a terrific way to ward off a potentially uncomfortable scenario. If while asking tough questions about your material you may discover a key point that needs to be added to the body of the presentation. If so, add it.

If what you discover is important and should be the pivotal point of the presentation, then rewrite the introduction and work it into the body and the conclusion. Your opening statements should be statement with a promise of sorts to prove your statement and therefore must be within the body and the conclusion of the presentation.

By the way, the trick of speaking well into the Q&A session to avoid questions is not unprofessional nor does it work.

2. Be Real and Fess Up: It is going to happen you know - getting stumped. If you are not Elvis and have, "left the building" someone, at some point, will approach and leave you speechless. Whether this happens from the platform or one-on-one after the presentation - your answer can be the same, "Good Question. And, (pause) I do not know. I will, however, quickly research that answer after we are finished here or if you would prefer, leave your contact information (eMail) with ____________ (name your host) I will get back with you before day's end." If you are stumped during the presentation you may also add, "Is anyone in the audience know the answer or this question?" As always be sure all members of the audience can hear the question and the answer to every question.

Warning: Not following up with an answer will cost your credibility, the sale, or both.

3. Be Professional and Network: As an ongoing practice, surround yourself with people who know more than you so you may call upon to help you with the answer (and more). Dr. Ted Becker, one of two people in history who have a PhD in human performance said, "It is important to be the dummy of the group. The only way there is up." Surprisingly, knowledgeable people often cannot find a person in to mentor. Recently, Karen Timmons with Dell, Inc. said, "It is not a crime to not know the answer. It is, however, a crime to not know who does."

Consider this incident:

Lat week I was in the exam room with my doctor when he took his cell phone from his pocket and searched for the answer to my question. This was blatant evidence that my doctor doesn't know all things medical. This came as no surprise to me as even the best cannot answer all things. Nor is it reasonable to think so. (Your audience knows this.) In my mind my doctor's credibility actually increased as it appeared that my question and I were important to him.

Get Real. Be Real. Be a Professional.

Be Not Afraid.


Kathryn is owner of Write Speak Transcribe Business Services
Kathryn has been a freelance writer for fifteen years and a Food Service Management Specialist for eighteen years.
She is a dynamic speaker who provides her client's end users with a presentation that yields responses like, "Thanks for telling me that!" and "Where do I sign?" She specializes in providing her client's an opportunity to contribute to their customer's knowledge base in a particular area -- a customer enlightenment that oft times is not sales related yet produces an increase in the bottom line of those who utilize her.
Timely and accurate transcription services are managed by Kathryn's mother, Onita Walker. Onita types 120 words a minute with accurate spelling and punctuation and has 40 years experience transcribing confidential conversations in the field of law.
Words are powerful and words are our passion.
Cell (928) 713-1812


Jackie French

Format: Paperback 320 p.
Published in:2011
Published by Harper Collins (Australia)

It's 1789, and as the new colony in Sydney Cove is established, Surgeon John White defies convention and adopts Nanberry, an Aboriginal boy, to raise as his son. Nanberry is clever and uses his unique gifts as an interpreter to bridge the two worlds he lives in. With his white brother, Andrew, he witnesses the struggles of the colonists to keep their precarious grip on a hostile wilderness. And yet he is haunted by the memories of the Cadigal warriors who will one day come to claim him as one of their own. This true story follows the brothers as they make their way in the world - one as a sailor, serving in the Royal Navy, the other a hero of the Battle of Waterloo. No less incredible is the enduring love between the gentleman surgeon and the convict girl, saved from the death penalty, to become a great lady in her own right.

More here => or at Amazon (kindle)

Enthralling speakers interweave captivating stories into their key points.

What are the nuances that distinguish an entrancing story from a boring one?

How can you craft your stories to make your points — and you — more memorable?

Three master storytellers tell their secrets to ensuring stories are memorable and engaging. Each has a different slant on the topic so hear their ideas and adapt them to your style.

These questions and many more will be answered in this trio of teleseminar recordings.
• “Digging for the Treasures in Your Stories” with Emory Austin, CSP, CPAE
• “Add Oomph to Your Stories by Bringing the Characters Alive” with Jon Schwartz, a.k.a. Vinny Verelli
• “Creating Emotional Triggers to Make Your Stories Memorable” with Doug Stevenson
Special price! Get all three programs, in MP3 format, for only $34. Order now.

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. ~Dorothy Nevill

Using Mother Teresa's poem Anyway, in conjunction with the song Anyway, by Martina McBride is a perfect depiction of living a life of integrity. We hope this video helps you realize that you are a gift, just by being you.