Do you really believe that 'old saying' that public speaking is the no. 1 fear in life? Is that what is holding you back in your business - the fear of speaking in front of people?

Well, you need to get over that - and quickly! Public speaking is the BEST way to get out there, tell your story and help to make a difference in the world.

Not sure where or how to begin? Here are a few tips for you.

1. Decide what you are going to talk about. Sounds like a good idea, right? But, for many of you, this is THE biggest barrier/stumbling block. "What do I have to say?" Here's my tip: ideally, you are in business because you have a passion about what you do - so, think about a simple coffee date with me - if we were to sit down for just 15 minutes and you had the chance to share 3-5 tips with me about the work you do (the transformation you provide) - what would you tell me? What would be your best piece of advice? You want to help me, right? Find out what my 'pain' (need) is - and then share your solution! It's really that simple. All you need to do is focus on 3-5 tips.

2. Then, you want to expand on those 3-5 tips. Just write out a few more details about each tip - keep it simple - keep it focused - and keep it end-result oriented.

3. Create a one-page profile - it's called a 'speaker one-sheet'. On that sheet, write an overview of what it is you have to offer - include some professional photos (and please, DO make the investment and get some professional photos done!) - and list a few titles of the topics you can speak about.

4. Now you need to identify the 'stages' you want to speak on. - Who is your audience? Who needs to hear your message? Where are they? If public speaking is a whole new experience for you, start local. Look at a 10-mile radius around where you live - the opportunities are right there! So, make a list and start making contact.

5. Ok - take a deep breath now - because the next step is TO GET ON THE PHONE! People who are looking for speakers aren't just going to show up at your door. Seriously. You need to get on the phone and start marketing yourself - take another deep breath. There are organizations that are looking for speakers all the time!

6. Set a goal! Plan to be speaking in front of a group at least 2-3 times a month. That is how you will build your confidence, create more awareness about you and the work you do and get to a level where you can grow your business very quickly.

7. Be prepared when you get to your speaking engagement. You want to have lots of business cards, have a method for follow-up (sign-up sheets so people will get to your website so you can capture names/e-mail addresses and grow your list), have a free give-away, get photos of you speaking, ask for testimonials, and so much more.


I've only covered the tip of the ice burg here when it comes to public speaking as a way to grow your business. It is an essential skill to becoming a wealthy woman leader - and to making a huge difference in the world.

Just like any other business skill, public speaking can be mastered. There is lots of information available to learn more about this and I highly encourage you to begin today. Get a coach (me!), take a class, read a book, observe other highly experienced speakers,...and just get out there and do it!

It is said that public speaking is the #1 fear in life - I say it is the #1 business skill you need to master in order to grow your business, attract more clients, make more money and make a difference in the world.

This is a month of celebration for me. It is a milestone in my life as I turn 60 - and celebrate the successful and inspiring woman that I have become. I intend to continue for many years yet - I have a lot of work to do - there are many wealthy women leaders waiting to evolve and I know I am just one woman who can help to make that happen!

SO? What are you waiting for - want to reach people? Get out there and start talking!


Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as a highly valued Canadian mentor for women entrepreneurs taking her own business from zero to a multiple 6-figure home-based business in less than 4 years. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise in marketing, mindset and money!
Pat Mussieux is a business coach, author, speaker and radio host. You can reach her at