The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us.

- Marianne Williamson

A timely video, this, given the tragic passing of Steve Jobs this week.
Speaker and author, Carmine Gallo, has written a book on the presentation secrets of Steve Jobs. Now he has created this video with the main points form the book.
I included it in this week's public speaking ezine ... just scroll down.

Are you having difficulty finding documents when you need them? Are the stacks of paper getting out of hand? Do you find yourself apologising for your untidy desk?

Then it’s time to get some ways to stay on top of your paper avalanche.

Too busy, you say, to even think about it? Let me reassure you that the time we save by not attending to it right now is being wasted in looking for that document, shifting stacks of paper to make room for more and in explaining or maybe justifying, why things got out of hand.

In reality only a small percentage of people earn a living as a professional speaker. Generally, these are individuals who enjoy being in front of an audience, are experts in their niche and have highly developed speaking skills. If you believe you have what it takes to among that elite group then get ready to make money as professional speaker by using the six strategies described below:

1. Make money as a professional speaker by hosting teleseminars.

Until recently many people thought of a teleconference as just a means to have a phone conversation between multiple people. It can do much more for you than that. It can be an outstanding format for a teleseminar. With new digital teleconference services available on the Internet you have many options. You can create a presentation that is presented to a large number of people at one time. You can record your presentation and offer it as many times as you like. You simply set a time for the call, get the word out and you're in business.

2. Make money as a professional speaker by using the Internet.

Using the Internet can be similar to hosting a teleseminar, but rather than phone lines take advantage of free chat through Yahoo messenger, Gmail and Skype conference features. It is a great place to start, especially if you're just beginning to venture into this field.

3. Make money as a professional speaker by seeking speaking opportunities within your current job.

If you are already part of an organization or a company, then consider applying for positions such as public relations officer. The company may also make use of your speaking skills to promote their products and services to clients. Not only will they benefit from your talent but you will have the opportunity to practice and enhance your skills. As your hone your skills, you can consider converting this part-time activity into your main source of income.

4. Make money as a professional speaker by approaching private companies.

Private companies often hold regular business and leadership seminars. Contact the public relations officer and provide them a copy of your brochure and portfolio. Prepare a well thought out program that will convince them that you are a valuable resource when they are looking for a skilled public speaker.

5. Make money as a professional speaker through a Speakers Bureau.

Affiliation with a Speakers Bureau will greatly increase your visibility and your chances of landing speaking engagements. However, be aware that the organization will take approximately 15-30% of your fees in service charges for promoting you on their webpage and for including you in their other marketing materials and strategies. Even so, this is often money well spent and should be seen as an investment for increasing the chances you will land high paying public speaking jobs.

6. Direct Hire Engagements to make money as a professional speaker.

For this strategy to work you must have established a reputation in the industry. Companies and organizations may contact you directly to lead their seminars. If you have created an interesting portfolio and have credibility in the industry, then you will be able to secure speaking engagements this way. However, if you are a newcomer then you need to work extra hard to establish yourself as an expert and make a name for yourself.

Dr. Gary Arnold, CEO of Windhorse Corp., is the author of 13 books, over 100 audio books and 12 DVD movies. He is an international coach for the Speaking Elite with over 25 years of coaching experience working with the top 1% of speakers in the nation. Dr. Gary Arnold is an expert at helping professional speakers monetize their speaking career using his cutting edge on-line and off-line marketing tactics. Gary has sold over 10 million dollars of products on-line in the last 4 years. He uses his 25 years of Professional Speaking and Marketing experience to show speakers how to drive highly targeted traffic to their websites. (Gary has traveled the world the equivalent of 22 times delivering over 1200 paid public talks). He has personally taught several thousand speakers his cutting edge marketing methods and techniques. Gary is available to professional speakers on a limited basis for private strategy coaching. (To read more about Dr. Gary Arnold and how to become a 6 Figure Speaker, check out his blog post - ).
Copyright (c) 2011

Life is full of trite cliches. One of the famous ones that I've personally found to not be entirely true is this: there isn't a free lunch. Well, sure there is! Well, maybe not lunches, but the overall sentiment is otherwise categorically untrue. =>

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.

Maya Angelou

Some speakers say, “I could never use humour in my speech; I just don’t feel comfortable with it.” I believe that anyone can use humour and that it is a valuable tool in speaking. Appropriate humour relaxes an audience and makes it feel more comfortable with you as the speaker; humour can bring attention to the point you are making; and humour will help the audience better remember your point. It can break down barriers so that the audience is more receptive to your ideas. First, let me make it easy for you to use humour.

Today's package is a series of free tips on how to use an agenda for meeting success.

An agenda is a one of the vital tools to keeping a meeting on track and efficiently effective.

And the first tip in the series? ...

The very first step on that agenda should be to reiterate the purpose of the meeting. This immediately focusses attention and makes it clear that the meeting is to be efficient. It also allows you to return to that statement of pupose to support any efforts to keep the meeting focussed.

You can get the tips sent to you in emails and know that you are will be on the way to having far more efficient, effective meetings. =>

Speak to Win: How to Present with Power in Any Situation

Brian Tracy
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Amacom
Published in: United States
Published: January 2008

There's nothing worse than sitting in the audience while an inept speaker stumbles through an ill-conceived business presentation-- unless, of course, you're the one floundering in the spotlight. In 101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience, Sue Gaulke, founder of the Speaker's Training Camp, strips the mysteries from the process by showing how to prepare and present an effective address that will successfully involve your audience and deliver your message.

Sorry, moms and dads, but it's your job -- not the schools' -- to find books to get your kids reading and to make sure they read them.
Here's some good news: This can often be as easy as teaching children to ride a two-wheeler or to throw a baseball. Case in point: When our son, Jack, was 8, he wasn't a gung-ho reader. Now, I'm sure my wife, Sue, and I have made a half-million mistakes raising Jack, but during that eighth summer of our stewardship, we did something right: We told him he didn't have to mow the lawn (hooray!), but he was going to read every day (boo).