[© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

Debt... It's a 4-letter word that can be just as obscene as those other 4-letter words that aren't fit to print!

With more than 500 million credit cards floating around the U.S., buying more than we should is just so darn easy. After all, it only takes a simple swipe of the credit card or a few mouse clicks to buy that pair of shoes, fancy sweater, designer jeans, or new cell phone we think we absolutely- positively-can't-live-without.

You may always tell yourself you'll pay everything off when the credit card bill arrives, but when it does, the temptation of just paying the minimum balance is so strong.
Before you know it, you're fully engulfed in D-E-B-T.

Even if your debts are minor and you think they'll be easy to manage, here are 4 reasons why you need to get yourself out of debt - and avoid it like the plague for the rest of your life:

1. You don't want to be stressed out all the time.

Even a little bit of debt can keep you up at night or give you a headache that won't go away. And the more debt you rack up, the more stress you're going to feel. If you want to avoid all of the serious physical and emotional problems that come with stress, keep yourself out of debt. After all, daily life can be stressful enough; you don't need to heap any more stress on yourself!

2. You might end up getting divorced.

Did you know that financial issues lead to more U.S.
divorces than anything else? It's hard to believe, but it's true! Millions of couples argue over bills and debate spending vs. saving - and, sadly, many of them wind up getting divorced over it. Every marriage takes work, but you're making that work even tougher if you're letting debt get in the way of the relationship between you and your spouse.

3. Your kids may never get to go to college.

All of the money you spend on interest payments every month would be doing much more for you if it were sitting in an interest-bearing college fund for your kids. Every day you spend in debt, you're making it tougher and tougher on your kids to go to college. And the last thing you probably want is to make your kids apply for a bunch of student loans.
Then, they'll graduate in a sea of debt of their own!

4. You may never get to retire.

Do you dream of spending your golden years knitting in a rocking chair or playing golf every day? If you're immersed in debt, you may wind up working until you're 80 or 85, because you don't have a "nest egg" to live off of!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life" ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles together with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of Being Well", "The Science of Being Great", "How to Promote Yourself", "The New Science of Living and Healing", and "Hell-fire Harrison".
Click Here Now => http://bit.ly/xJ58Wi

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[Note: the links to Perfect phrases for Executive Presentations has now been fixed!!]

I know we would all like to feel the mastery that this performer has achieved with his violin. I also know that we would all hope to be able to deal with interruptions just as masterfully - with grace and humour!!

Yes that's a Nokia ring tone!

Using a pertinent activity as an opening gets the audience's attention because it makes them active. It gives them the opportunity to move physically which makes them more alert and comfortable. It lets them learn and participate with one another. Finally, it put you in charge. That's right, when you cede temporary authority to your audience you get larger in their minds. => http://bit.ly/w3bOZG

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your  life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."

Earl Nightingale

"You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you're doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle." 

-- George Lucas


Picture this. You arrive at a party. When you walk in the room, EVERYONE stops and stares for a second, before crowding around you to talk.

Everyone wants a piece of you; you're the center of attention. When you speak, people LISTEN.

They cling to your every word. You crack jokes effortlessly, and people find you funny... irresistible... and strangely magnetic.

Members of the opposite sex can't help being around you. Everyone wants to be your friend... to seek your advice... to indulge in your stories. You're strong, attractive, confident, radiating power and respect.

You're the top of the food chain-- the *alpha* personality that everyone loves and adores (and is secretly jealous of).

If that describes you, great -- you're well aware of how this rare ability affords you an incredible lifestyle, fun and thrilling social encounters, and opens doors to career opportunities closed off to the general public.

But if that's NOT you, listen up... because you're seriously missing out. And what's more, you *can* be that person, almost immediately.

In fact, if you're the type who shies away in the corner... avoids social confrontation... can't stand being the center of attention (but would love to)... and is SCARED TO DEATH at the thought of standing up and speaking in front of a crowd of people... I can turn you into the most confident person in the room.

See, the reason you're shy and introverted isn't because you're any less social, humorous, intelligent or charismatic than others. Many confident people aren't smart or charismatic at all... they just don't fear what other people think of them.

As a child, you were conditioned to keep your mouth shut (Ever been told by your parents "Don't talk to strangers?".). You were ordered to obey authority figures like parents, teachers, adults. As a grown-up, this "learned" behaviour is like a knife to your confidence... and is no longer relevant to your life.

It's time to shake it off.

The good news is, you can completely *reverse* the conditioning that's no longer valuable in your adult life... in just minutes. It's quick, effortless, requires zero practice, and works even if you don't think it will.

That's because, I have access to a powerful hypnosis CD that targets your negative ego, and re-programs your mind to immediately enjoy greater confidence.

It's called "Extrovert Me" and it has already helped HUNDREDS of people kill confidence issues dead (and it's only just been released to the public).

You can grab it instantly at:



Yes that's an affiliate link.  If you buy the product
I will make several cents - with thanks.  It all helps!

Zero Day

David Baldacci

Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Published: November 2011

Busy Baldacci, already on his third hardcover of the year (after The Sixth Man and One Summer), here launches a new series starring combat veteran John Puller. Now a top-notch investigator in the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigative Division, Puller is asked to look into the murder of an army man and his wife, a Pentagon contractor, in their isolated rural home. => http://bit.ly/mrzgjj

Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Use to Communicate Your Strategy and Vision When the Stakes Are High

by Alan M Perlman

Any successful leader will tell you: Giving a strong presentation is the most immediate and powerful way to set goals, form strategies, and sell your vision-to both internal and external audiences. Perfect Phrases for Executive Presentations not only tells you how to plan and deliver your address, but also provides phrases for every part of the speech or presentation. => http://bit.ly/z76FV8


Constant practice makes a big difference for memorization improvement purposes. You must assure yourself that there is going to be an improvement with your memory. But in the event of forgetting pieces of something you've already worked on, memorization tools always come in handy.

An effective memorization tool is called mnemonics. It is a way of remembering a group of information by breaking each of them down into sub-groups, rhymes, stories, or location. One of the many effective mnemonic methods is called the Link system. The link system is great for remembering a list or group of objects by associating or "linking" the items in the list to one another.

For example, pretend you need to keep in mind the list below which consists of your diet meal for the day.

Apple, broccoli sprouts, rice cake, almonds and a glass of fresh orange juice

Your link approach should go something like:

Think of a red apple bouncing on top of broccoli sprouts. The broccoli sprouts, tired of playing with the apple, runs to hide behind a giant sleeping rice cake. The rice cake, startled by the sprouts behind it, gets up irritated and hurls the scattered almonds nearby at the broccoli sprouts. A pitcher of orange juice nearby got hit by an almond and seeing the food fight happening, it then flooded the area with its juices ending the mishap.

The scenario you create doesn't have to be very complicated. Just fill it with movement, colors, and other details to help you picture out the situation further. Instead of thinking of just a bunch of items in a list, you can think of a whole scenario including all the details. Try to repeat the scenario several times in a day to complete your memorization exercise and you'll slowly develop a good memory.

Click to learn more about memorizing using the Link method and other memory improvement techniques:  Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash


“Vague and mysterious forms of speech, and abuse of language, have so long passed for mysteries of science; and hard or misapplied words with little or no meaning have, by prescription, such a right to be mistaken for deep learning and height of specu”

John Locke