There are such huge dangers in following a formula and sounding the same as everyone else!!
In a hilarious talk capping off a day of new ideas at TEDxNewYork, professional funny person Will Stephen shows foolproof presentation skills to make you sound brilliant -- even if you are literally saying nothing. (Full disclosure: This talk is brought to you by two TED staffers, who have watched a LOT of TED Talks.)
Try watching it a second time with the sound off!!
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"It’s done wonders for my kids. I hope it does the same for yours."
There is a space within you where you are already perfect, whole, and complete.
It is pure consciousness - the space inside of which all thoughts come and go.
When you rest in the feeling of this space, the warmth of it heals your mind and body.
When you operate from the infinite creative potential of this space, you produce high levels of performance and creative flow.
When you sit in the openness of this space with others, you experience a level of connection and intimacy that is breathtakingly enjoyable and filled with love.
And when you explore this space more deeply, you will find yourself growing closer and closer to the divine, even if you're not sure there is such a thing and wouldn't know how to talk about it if there was.
Every problem we have in life is the result of losing our bearings and getting caught up in the content of our own thinking; the solution to every one of those problems is to find our way back home.
This is both the invitation and the promise of this book.
One problem.
One solution.
Infinite possibilities.
Are you ready to begin?"
About the Author
Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the bestselling author of four books. He has spent the past 25 years as a coach, mentor and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. He is the also the founder of Supercoach Academy, an international coach training program with students and graduates from 22 countries. Michael's books have been translated into 16 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and on six continents around the world.
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