Good news! Your soul was born with all the talents, skills and interests you need to build a successful career. If you're professionally unhappy, it's likely that you've chosen a line of work that's mismatched with your interests. Luckily, you can take a new direction, and astrology can help you figure out what, exactly, that is.

Using your natural inclinations to help inform your professional choices leads to a more fun and exciting existence. Because everyone's personality is different, naturally there are some jobs that are going to be a better fit for you than others. It's a learning process to find a niche compatible with your soul's desire, but if you have an enterprising personality, these checklists offer great brainstorming ideas for starting your business from home. Imagine the joy of getting up to go to work in your own home office, choosing your own hours and working around your private obligations.

Be sure and check your Sun, Moon and 10th house placements for a more complete picture.

Step 1: Know your best personality traits

Aries: Fun, cheeky and enthusiastic, you feel attraction to multiple business opportunities and can handle multi-tasking.

Taurus: Dependable, thorough and in possession of a good grasp of business principles, you need to make good money.

Gemini: Crafty with excellent communication skills, you have a keen mind for breaking complicated ideas down into simple terms.

Cancer: You are homey, historical and nurturing with a shrewd, cautious sense of business, especially as it relates to family.

Leo: Entertaining, funny and generous to a fault, you have the desire to find a platform (like center stage) to show off your creative skills.

Virgo: Careful and organized with a very keen intellect, you can easily discern the useful from the useless. You also love to be of service to others.

Libra: Harmonizing, sociable and beauty-oriented, you are gifted with the ability to lovingly bring aesthetic pleasure to others.

Scorpio: Healing, passionate and private you possess incredible amounts of long lasting energy, which enables you to get a lot done.

Sagittarius: Internationally inclined and interesting, you have a vibrant, upbeat personality and are well liked.

Capricorn: You are tireless and dedicated, happiest owning or managing a successful business or two.

Aquarius: Colorful and kind, quirky and friendly, you are the idea kings and queens of the zodiac.

Pisces: Sweet, helpful and caring, with a desire to help others (especially the underdogs), you also have an artistic streak.

Step 2: Select the stay-at-home business that matches your interests

Aries: Party planner, bungee jumping business, personal shopper, stylist for hair, wigs and hats.

Taurus: Landscape designer, musician, coin laundry business, coin collector, interior decorating.

Gemini: Writer, arts & crafts, book seller, limousine business, answering service.

Cancer: Day care, catering, antiques, carpet cleaning, house sitter, genealogist.

Leo: Karaoke DJ, personal chef, candle making, theater performer, greeting card business.

Virgo: Home or office organizer, cleaning service, personal assistant, medical billing, home sewing, exercise trainer.

Libra: Wedding planner, bed & breakfast, gift baskets, business event planner, real estate home stager.

Scorpio: Massage therapist, personal coach, tutoring, survey taker, mystery shopper.

Sagittarius: Writer for magazines, novels and websites, pet sitter, translation business, import/export.

Capricorn: Investment counsellor, elder care, resume writer, business plan writer, grant writer.

Aquarius: Political grass roots movement leader, computer geek, newsletter publisher, sign language teacher, self publishing books.

Pisces: Aquarium maintenance, pool maintenance, ghost hunter, non denominational minister, photographer.

Do any of these cosmic careers appeal to you? See how the stars (and our psychics) can guide you to professional perfection!


Do you have a drawer full of used phones and adapters? Do you hide old computers and cords in a closet? Are you afraid to get rid of these cords, adapters and old phones for fear that you "might need them"? Or, is it a matter of just not knowing what to do with them? Should they be recycled, donated or thrown in the trash?

According to the Consumer Electronics Association, the average life expectancy for smartphones is 4.7 years and for computers is 4 years. I think that's being generous.

What it means for you is less space in your closet or drawers. It's time to do something about it.

To tackle decluttering the electronics on your own, read on to get the electronic clutter out of your home and become e-waste-free.

Steps to Getting Rid of Unwanted and Used Phones and Electronics

1. Sell them. A lot of phones, tablets and laptops can be sold, even if they are no longer working.

  • will give you a quote, ship it for free and pay you cash for your electronics.
  • Use Amazon's trade-in program and trade used electronics for Amazon gift cards. Like Gazelle, they will give you a quote and ship it for free.
  • Local Target, Best Buy and Game Stop stores also purchase used electronics. Ask at the customer service desk.

2. Donate them. There are people in need that will benefit from your electronic donation.

  • Cell phones for soldiers is a national non-profit dedicated to serving troops and veterans with free communication services and emergency funding. Each donated device valued at $5 will provide troops with an estimated 2.5 hours of FREE talk time. Simply print a free label to send your old phones or find a drop-off location near you.
  • Through a partnership with Dell, many Good Will stores now accept cell phones and computers to be recycled free of charge.

Related ...

An Easy Method To Keep Your Desk Clear Of ‘Stuff’

3. Recycle them. Electronics contain things that are not good for the environment and should be recycled rather than thrown in the trash.

  • Dcal Services, LLC, located in St. Louis, recycles most electronics for free and charges a small fee for a few items.
  • Call 2 Recycle is nationwide and allows you to search for a drop off location near you and will tell you exactly what that drop off location will accept.
  • Many cities offer free electronic recycling days at least once a year. Check with your city to see when these events are scheduled.

Susan Stewart is a professional organizer and the founder of Perfectly Placed Professional Organization and Design in the St. Louis area. Perfectly Placed specializes in bringing peace and order to busy families through organization. You can find out more about Susan and Perfectly Placed at her website:


Many people are in search of things that can develop their personality and personal growth. If you are the same as most people, though, you must be more interested on strategies and tips for self help personal development, which can help you obtain your objectives, boost your confidence, and encourage your personal spiritual growth.

As one of the many self-improvement tips seekers, I have written some suggestions that hopefully can help other people in enhancing their personality development. Here are five simple proposals for spiritual and personal growth that you can incorporate in your daily routine after reading this article.

1. Do Not Assume You Know Everything

Humility should be the first and foremost habit that a person must have in order to achieve personality and personal growth. In terms of personal development, assuming that you already know almost everything is the initial sign that your spiritual and personal growth has languished. The people who achieved the most personality and spiritual advancement are those who believe there is an overpowering majority of things they are not aware of.

2. Optimism Should be Balanced With Critical Thinking

Although there are many talks on the advantages of being optimistic and positive thinker, being always optimistic may lead you to not notice the importance of critical thinking. It is also crucial to cultivate your critical thinking skill because this skill will help you learn accept failure without having nonconstructive effects on you. There are times when you will still fail regardless of how hard you try or how knowledgeable you are, and critical thinking will help you accept the fact that there are still lots of things you have to learn.

3. Find the Meaning in Nature

Despite of the thousands of books released concerning personality and personal growth, most thought provoking things that can boost our personality growth are found in nature. The novelist C.S. Lewis once stated his belief that many of the people's problems are the consequence of the reality that people are so detached with other creations. People are mostly inside man-made surroundings full of technologies and inventions that is why they fail to recognize the wonders of nature that might help in encouraging their personal growth development.

If you just spend a little more time outside, you will find massive assortment of lessons that can be applied for the advancement of not only your spiritual development, but your personality and personal growth as well.

What Is The Purpose Of Life? The Top 3 Ways To Finding Meaning In Your Life (It's Never Too Late)


4. Take Care of Your Health and Your Body

It is mentioned in the New Testament that our body is a temple, which is, if you contemplate about it, not just a religious statement. Having a fragile body and weak health will result to lack of energy and willpower, not allowing you to concentrate on important things more than your dull daily routine. When you have excellent health and your body is in good condition, though, you will feel you are bursting with energy, which allows you to focus on things and allocate your energies on actions that will assist the development of your personal and persona growth.

5. Establish a Central Purpose

Personal and personal growth is among the most gratifying things that life can give us. However, there is also the possibility to be trapped and get stuck in our journey to attain spiritual and personal advancement. We might end up lost and confused because we just aimed for personality development for personal growth development's sake only. To avoid bewilderment and being out of focus, you must have a central purpose. Your central purpose will help you stay on the right track and will give you the motivation and energy you need to carry on during hopeless times.

For more self improvement ideas  go to my website [].