Entries by bronwynr

Leadership Skills Are Important For Family, Company and Self

t is a well known fact that most people believe that leaders are born, not made. It is also an unfortunate belief that those who have leadership potential also believe this as truth. However the other camp believes that leaders can be made. The former statement is only partly true. There are those with charisma […]


Thought for Thursday

"Life is the coexistence of all opposite values. Joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, up and down, hot and cold, here and there, light and darkness, birth and death. All experience is by contrast, and one would be meaningless without the other." -- Deepak Chopra


Thought for Thursday

"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation." Pearl S. Buck

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"I do not have superior intelligence or faultless looks. I do not captivate a room or run a mile under six minutes. I only succeeded because I was still working after everyone else went to sleep." Greg Evans