Entries by bronwynr

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Want a six-figure week?

If you have a web presence, surely you've at least thought about launching a product or program if you haven’t already done so. Have you achieved the maximum results you desire? Ali Brown hasn't only attempted it--she's perfected it into an art form. In fact, she recently sold over 600k worth of a product in […]

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Power of Nice

In this book, You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School, the goal is to share many of the simple truths of leadership that the author learned in 30 years as an entrepreneur. And the one he shares here, he says is near the top of his list. The chapter is titled, Attitude Isn't Everything, […]

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"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday." -- John Wayne

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"Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -- Albert Einstein ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Do you keep forgetting that you are primarily a soul having an earthly experience? Take The Soul Journey and reconnect with your true self.

Effective Communication Tips for Today’s Manager

This is a great article .... The ideas are simple, but powerful, and they apply as much to public speaking as they do to conversation. Some of the headings are: Express your thoughts clearly: The effective communicator has empathy: Be "truly present" . Be a good listener: ... and more - you can read the […]

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Unique Ideas Are Not Important to Win

Ideas are always a creative response to a problem without a present-day solution. People dream them up as the wonder what they might do to solve their problems, and they draw on inspirations from their environments around them to do so. What people forget is that neither their problems, nor the inspirations from which they […]