Entries by bronwynr

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Random acts of kindness

"You are here to serve others, to be a light for them, to participate in their lessons and to help heal humanity. You are also here to serve yourself, to heal your karma, to enable your soul's growth and reconnect to the Source. Your challenge is to find a balance between serving others and yourself […]


The Denny Flanagan Story

As flight cancellations and delays wreak havoc on weary travelers, and planes are fuller than ever, the Wall Street Journal has managed to find a bright spot - United Airlines Captain Denny Flanagan. On a flight headed your way, there is a pilot who is literally a gift from the heavens. For 21 years now, […]

The Value of Simplicity

Robert Graham has written a great post based on the value of simplicity. He makes a powerful point. The theme also proved to be a useful hook for hanging some very basic but vital tips ... on any sort of communication, not just public speaking. You can read his post on the Henderson's Group's blog […]

How to be funny

Let's be honest. We all LOVE those individuals that make us LAUGH. The funnier you are, the more people like you, and the more they pen up to your speeches. Well, how funny are YOU? Our natural humour skills are vial to our public speaking. What if you could suddenly become EVEN FUNNIER, just by […]

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What If You Can?

Guest post by Anna Filipkowski. What are you avoiding right now? What dream have you put on hold because you think you're too old, too young, too broke, too busy or too out of shape? What opportunities have you missed because you were too afraid of failing, embarrassment, abandonment or rejection? Why is it that […]

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"The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created - created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, […]


The Outside-In Approach to Customer Service

Sarah Jane Gilbert interviewed Ranjay Gulati for HBS Working Knowledge ; Times are tough for many businesses, yet some are holding their own, even thriving. Best Buy, Cisco, Target, Starbucks, and Jones Lang LaSalle come to mind. How do they do it? According to a new book by Harvard Business School's Ranjay Gulati, it is […]