Entries by bronwynr

Short takes – 24 spring memoirs

The memoir genre rolls on with this batch of 24 from Team Memoir. Standard themes like family dysfunction persist, but we get an enticing twist from a Vanderbilt heir. Also, two firsts: a memoir of assisted suicide, sure to hit a nerve with baby boomer caregivers, and of nonbiological lesbian motherhood. more » » »

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Nice people are winners

Rajesh Setty certainly believes so. I observed time and again that nice people win BIG TIME in the long run. So this was part of my mini-research He goes on to explain how being nice can create exponential growth.

"We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery." -- H. G. Wells

What people are requesting at Unalaska Public Library

· Behind every best seller you're likely to find a library hold. See what patrons are lining up to read at Unalaska Public Library, where supernatural fiction by biggies like Charlaine Harris and Diana Gabaldon sits alongside TV on DVD from Lost to House MD. more » » »

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After 80 years he’s back – Winnie the Pooh in Return to the Hundred Acre Wood

Return to the Hundred Acre Wood (Winnie-The-Pooh Collection) ~ David Benedictus Illustrated by Mark Burgess This is a companion volume that truly captures the style of A. A. Milne-a worthy sequel to The House at Pooh Corner and Winnie-the-Pooh. Return to The Hundred Acre Wood: writing the Winnie-the-Pooh sequel  Would AA Milne approve of his successor? David Benedictus […]

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A page-turning mix of science fiction and noir thriller

Area 10 Christos N. Gage and Chris Samnee. DC/Vertigo Crime, $19.99(184p) ISBN 978-1-40121-067-0 In a page-turning mix of science fiction and noir thriller, New York City detective Adam Kamen is on the trail of the serial killer Henry the Eighth, so named for his penchant for decapitating his victims. Kamen is a familiar character—hard-boiled, independent, […]


Reading With Children to Teach and Comfort

Using Picture Books to Help Kids Deal With Situations and Feelings Books are great for children for a variety of reasons, but one excellent thing is that books can be found to read to help out in just about any situation. Books are often thought of as something to read at bedtime or on a […]


The Big graphic novels of 2010

The year 2010 promises to deliver a wide variety of exciting new graphic works with new graphic novels coming from such artists as Dan Clowes, Charles Burns, and Dash Shaw on the literary comics side, as well as the continued and growing presence of work from prose writers looking to try their skills in the […]