"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes Got Resolutions? If you want to achieve specific goals and enjoy tremendous success this year, the Got Resolutions program will show you how to finally turn your resolutions into reality faster […]
About bronwynr
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Entries by bronwynr
10 words we need to stop misspelling
Some of these are my pet hates. Why can't they get the apostophes correct? Here's a sample of the wonderful cartoons .... Click here to see the remainder ... http://bit.ly/7u6X2E
"Recognize that life is what you get when you're born ... living is what you do with it." -- Jim Allen
Repeat after me: I Hereby Resolve to Make this the Best Year of my Life!
What if these words were part of a promise to yourself this holiday season? How about a promise to make this your best year ever? Suppose you decided today - right now - that you're finally making a REAL commitment to turn your dreams into actions... your goals into achievements... AND your Resolutions into […]
Find the answers to your problems in a book?
In an article entitled "Books prescribed to help children" Madeleine Brindley reports that PARENTS of children with emotional and behavioural problems will be prescribed books in a bid to help their families. The NHS and local libraries in North Wales are working together to provide a new service to support parents and their children. What an […]
"Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about yourself, your career, your spouse." -- Dale Dauten …………………………………………………………Motivational Music from Bob Falstein "Whenever I listen to his music, I am put in the right frame of mind." —Dee Dee Tucker "Bob […]
Ballet and Public Speaking
At the Speaking Energy: Adventures in Public Speaking blog, Bjorn had compared public speaking to ballet. He obviously enjoyed the performance, or at least appreciated the energy. He looks at performance, everyday life and art, giving us, in the process, another way of looking at public speaking. http://bit.ly/75oFP8
A unique history of Australia’s people
Australians Volume 1: Origins to Eureka by Thomas Keneally In this first volume of a unique history of Australia 'people' are always centre stage, as bestselling author Thomas Keneally brings to life the vast range of characters who have formed our national story. Convicts and Aborigines, settlers and soldiers, patriots and reformers, bushrangers and gold […]
Why we REALLY overeat
Fitness author Jon Benson sent this to me today. I found his frank approach refreshing. Hope you enjoy it as well! Bronwyn ----------------------------------------------------------------------| A Rant: Why We REALLY Overeat... ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Fair warning ... this one is a rant. It's probably a bit long, but take the time to read it. I have some things to […]