Entries by bronwynr


Financial sites you want to know about

Many people wonder what kinds of references I use to manage money over the internet. The fact is that there is just a lot of great resources out there and now, more than ever, the average person can get to information that was once just the bastion of top level money managers and financial insiders […]


Sidney Sheldon’s Mistress of the Game

by Sidney Sheldon, Tilly Bagshaw Beloved number one internationally bestselling author Sidney Sheldon introduced the glamorous, scheming Blackwell family and its unforgettable matriarch, Kate Blackwell, in his worldwide bestseller Master of the Game. Now a generation has passed, and as the world has changed, so too has America's own royal family. Read more ... or Buy […]

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"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored." Earl Nightingale How to […]

Effective reading for your presentations

Rich Hopkins has a great new blog post that should have us all using reading aloud far more effectively ... There are times when reading during your speech is appropriate and necessary: A. Letters, memos, and reports that must be heard in there entirety B. Quotes, short and long C. Poetry, lyrics, short excerpts from […]

Hidden Mystery

Hidden Mystery By Fred Burks In the deepest depths of you and me In the deepest depths of we Lies the most beautiful jewel Shining forth eternally Within that precious jewel Within that priceless piece of we Lies a time beyond all time Lies a place beyond all space Within that sacred source of radiance […]

Books: Dickens found joy in ‘A Christmas Carol’

After years of writing feverishly, Charles Dickens desperately needed a break from his demanding schedule and money to finance a year abroad. England's best-known author hoped "A Christmas Carol," a tale about ghosts haunting the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, would be his ticket to a yearlong Italian vacation for him, his wife, five children and servants. […]

How to turn painful feedback into a positive

NEW YORK - Whether it's a bad performance review or an unexpected scolding from the boss, negative feedback hits workers squarely in the ego. It's never easy to hear that something is wrong with your work, your behavior or both. And maybe the criticism is unwarranted or unfair. But becoming angry or argumentative, which many […]

The Story Starter

This website provides 373,067,200 creative ideas and writer prompts for writers of all ages. All of the story starters are randomly created. This idea generator can be used for short stories, novels, plays, scripts, or just for fun.