Entries by bronwynr

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Help. I'm a Workaholic

Work should be just one part of your life. “How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? ” Leo has written an excellent post in which he looks at answers in several parts 1. Being achievement-motivated. 2. Being a workaholic. 3. Learning to relax and de-stress. […]

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How to best present the difficult speech

Every so often we are called upon to make a difficult speech...you know the kind I mean. It might be a speech informing your employees that budgets are being cut by 25% and layoffs are required; it might be one where you communicate that the incentive trip everyone worked so hard for is canceled; it might […]

The Butterfly effect

Only a few stories that we read impact us so much that we just cannot stop thinking about them and Andy Andrew's, The Butterfly Effect,is one of those stories. The Butterfly Effect is an unforgettable story about how our world is an incredible life of permanent purpose. Enjoy this 3 minute movie and be inspired […]

Only one goal – to lose weight?

When losing weight is your main focus in choosing what to eat you set yourself up for a cycle of failure. How can I say that as a weight loss coach, when my clients obviously have losing weight as their goal? Surely it helps if they are focused and dedicated? The problem with too much […]


10 tips for navigating the waters of life

10 Tips for Navigating the Waters of Life While some of us might fit the stereotype of Jeff Spicoli beach bums who don’t care about anything other than riding waves, there is an entirely spiritual and zen side to the sport of surfing that gives us a chance to really understand how to navigate the […]

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Fine just the way it is

by Annie Proulx The steely Proulx (The Shipping News, Brokeback Mountain etc.) returns with another astonishing series of hardscrabble lives lived in the sparse, inhospitable West, where one mistake can put you on a long-winding trail to disaster. Pioneer homesteaders facing drought and debt give way to modern-day hippies trying to lose themselves in the […]


Hug Certificate

If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you and share with you its beauty On the days you're feeling blue. If I could build a mountain You could call your very own; A place to find serenity, A place to be alone. If I could take your troubles I would […]


Reducing the Pain of PowerPoint

Most everybody would agree that working with Microsoft PowerPoint software probably ranks as one of the most frustrating things anybody encounters on a daily basis. There are, of course, masters of PowerPoint in just about every organization, but for most people, working in PowerPoint is after all these years still a painstaking experience. The only […]