Entries by bronwynr

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Must read – Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Twenties Girl List Price: $26.00 Discount Price: $17.20 by Sophie Kinsella Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don’t get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of Lara’s great aunt Sadie – in the form of a bold, demanding Charleston-dancing girl […]


When leadership becomes a quest

From the ezine of Leadership Wired People are your business's most important asset. "You can't find anybody in corporate America who doesn't agree with this, but their actions are inconsistent with that statement," Fairbank told his audience. An important part of a CEO's job—as well as that of any other leader—is recruiting and motivating employees. […]

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“Paradoxically, a group of humans becomes healing and converting only after its members have learned to stop trying to heal and convert. Community is a safe place precisely because no one is attempting to heal or convert you, to fix you, to change you. Instead, the members accept you as you are. You are free […]

Publishers Weekly’s Top 10 Best Books of 2009: The Reviews

Our take on the year's best Every year, PW selects its top 100 books, and for the first time ever PW has upped the ante by choosing the 10 books that stood out from the rest. The titles, whittled down from the more than 50,000 volumes considered this year, were picked by the PW reviews editors to reflect the […]


Cicero Versus Demosthenes

There were two great orators from ancient Mediterranean: Demosthenes the Greek and Cicero the Roman. It was said that when Cicero spoke, people exclaimed, "Great speech. Wonderful message. I couldn't agree with you more." And they showered him with accolades, adoration and standing ovations. It was said that when Demosthenes spoke, people shouted, "Let Us […]


Create products on demand

How is this done?  How can you create you own high-end audio products quickly and easily? With a BRAND NEW site called MonthlyProducts: http://www.consultpivotal.com/Amonthlyproducts.htm The best part is, each month You'll be given more and more interview materials that you can use to create more products. ...AND... You keep any money You make selling the […]

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Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. - Carl Schurz