Entries by bronwynr


Cicero Versus Demosthenes

There were two great orators from ancient Mediterranean: Demosthenes the Greek and Cicero the Roman. It was said that when Cicero spoke, people exclaimed, "Great speech. Wonderful message. I couldn't agree with you more." And they showered him with accolades, adoration and standing ovations. It was said that when Demosthenes spoke, people shouted, "Let Us […]


Create products on demand

How is this done?  How can you create you own high-end audio products quickly and easily? With a BRAND NEW site called MonthlyProducts: http://www.consultpivotal.com/Amonthlyproducts.htm The best part is, each month You'll be given more and more interview materials that you can use to create more products. ...AND... You keep any money You make selling the […]

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Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. - Carl Schurz


Can we send you a free book?

Tell us where to send it, and we'll send you the number one success book of all time. My friends Vic and Lisa Johnson are doing this crazy marketing test where they're giving away Napoleon Hill's "Think & Grow Rich." Get the details here:  www.FreeTGRbook.com/bronwynatpivotal Feel free to pass this on to friends. They can […]

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Transform your life permanently

This is a cutting-edge event that's coming up soon - Nov. 6th - 8th to be exact. It's your chance to get the tools, techniques, advice, and strategies from the best self development experts in the world - over 40 of them - all in one place. You'll get everything you need to transform your […]


Your Inner Critic

From Rober Schwartz We all have an inner critic living inside us who speaks up at times, in varying degrees, negatively evaluating our own actions and those of others. As facilitators and coaches we have many opportunities to deal with our inner critic. We might doubt or judge ourselves harshly about how we dealt with […]