Entries by bronwynr


Words and trivia about language

A wide-ranging collection of odd words and trivia about language. Try the history of "dord" on page one, and then try to stop browsing through the rest. Thanks Sneedle Flipsock http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html


The Joy of Budgets

Done right, budgets are the sexiest, most exciting, challenging and delightful documents you'll ever read! Your budget ... tells you how much your business will grow, and how. Your budget tells you what you will learn, what equipment or skills you will add. It gives you a "sneak peak" at your marketing, your new services, […]


Your next book club read – try Middlemarch

by George Eliot Middlemarch presents a vast panorama of life in a provincial Midlands town. At the story’s center stands the intellectual and idealistic Dorothea Brooke. But the very qualities that set Dorothea apart from the materialistic, mean-spirited society around her also lead her into a disastrous marriage with a man she mistakes for her […]

Today's story – Not Just Another Town

Fred Everhart read the mail and felt sick. What would the kids do? Fred, head of the recreation commission, experienced what many American towns and committees felt - loss of funds. Greenfield, Ohio, population 5000, just another town reliant on the auto industry. Five hundred jobs (70% of the town's industrial employment) would be gone […]

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"You must live in the present, launch yourself on everywave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand ontheir island opportunities and look toward another land.There is no other land, this is no other life but this." -- Henry David Thoreau ……………………………………………………………… People form their first impression of you in the first four seconds! Maximize […]


How to read a business book

For most of us, when we want to improve at something, we read. And this is no less true for those of us in business or in leadership positions in organisations. And, of course, there is a plethora of books to choose from. In fact, according to a report from Fast Company, 5,301 titles "claiming […]