Entries by bronwynr

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National Coalition Against Censorship Salutes Judy Blume

Some people may have difficulty finding humor in the issue of censorship. Thankfully, celebrated author Judy Blume isn’t one of them. Nor were the many actors, comedians, authors, and supporters who gathered at City Winery in New York City on Monday evening for “A Night of Comedy with Judy Blume & Friends.” Presented by the National […]


Be X Do = Have … The Formula For Success

Is there a formula for success? I have a very simple formula I've used that I want to share with you that can do wonders in your business and your life. The formula is simple, but just because it's simple doesn't make it easy. However, if you start to use it and follow it, it […]


What comes after Vampires – The end of the world as we know it?

Vampires may live forever, but the recent vampire trend in YA fiction won’t. Author Michael Grant, for one, is “sick to death of vampires,” and he is not alone. But when one hugely popular trend ends, what will take its place? Some readers have their fingers crossed for post-apocalyptic fiction. http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6703373.html?nid=2788&source=link&rid=1189609311

Staying well with guided imagery – today’s read

How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination for Health and healing by Belleruth Naparstek Well-known guided imagery authority and psychotherapist, Naparstek provides a clear guide for using one's imagination for self-healing and health maintenance. She outlines a wide variety of imagery exercises and suggests these not only for general health but also for emotional […]

Attitude is everything

I just love this !! This is a wonderful gift idea - inspiration for your friends, family, customers and employees.  Just quietly I think I would buy it as a gift for myself.  Whether you buy it as a gift for yourself or for someone else, or just want to enjoy the print again (amongst some […]