Entries by bronwynr

The 7 Deadly Sins of Public Speaking

by Andrew Dlugan Some speaking sins, like the occasional “ah” or “um”, will not doom your presentation. With good content, you can earn forgiveness from the audience for those sins. Other speaking sins are so grave that when you commit them, your speech or presentation is certain to fail. This article reveals the seven deadly sins […]

Language barriers

From Stephen Downs' OLDaily: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lakoff When I was a child I learned that there were six colours in the spectrum. I even learned a little rhyme to help me remember. Red and orange, green and blue, shining yellow, purple too, all the colours that we know, live up in the rainbow. Somewhere along the line, someone […]


Connecting with and selling to power buyers

Connecting with and Selling to Power Buyers with Josiane Chriqui Feigon You’ve increased your prospecting and marketing efforts but now realize you have invested too much time aligning with the wrong people. In today’s unpredictable economic landscape, it’s not unusual to spend time with buyers who have no power and no potential, yet make you […]

The Power of Less:

The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential ... in Business and in Life by Leo Babauta D Less. Get More Done. With the countless distractions that come from every corner of modern life, it’s amazing that we’re ever able to accomplish anything. The Power of Less demonstrates how to streamline your life by identifying the […]

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Book teaches “how to talk so men will listen”

Ever watch a colleague take credit for your idea, been accused of being emotional, taken jokes too personally or been interrupted frequently in a meeting? Most women will nod yes to such scenarios, say the authors of "Code Switching: How to Talk So Men Will Listen," a new book on communication, or the lack thereof, […]

Must-read – the Boat by Nam Le

A stunningly inventive, deeply moving fiction debut: stories that take us from the slums of Colombia to the streets of Tehran; from New York City to Iowa City; from a tiny fishing village in Australia to a foundering vessel in the South China Sea, in a masterful display of literary virtuosity and feeling. http://www.pivotalbookclub.com/boat.htm


Reading the newspaper or reading online?

Print is still king according to this post. Surprise. All generally accepted truths notwithstanding, more than 96 percent of newspaper reading is still done in the print editions, and the online share of the newspaper audience attention is only a bit more than 3 percent. http://www.niemanlab.org/2009/04/print-is-still-king-only-3-percent-of-newspaper-reading-actually-happens-online/