We choose the moon
We Choose the Moon is an interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time.
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We Choose the Moon is an interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time.
Crazy hair by Neil Gaiman Illustrated by Dave McKean The duo responsible for The Wolves in the Walls (2003) return with another chaotic picture book popping with bright collage and multimedia imagery. ... more ---Listen to the author, Neil Gaiman reading his poem
In celebration of the upcoming release of Robert Swan’s new book, Antarctica 2041: My Quest to Save the Earth’s Last Wilderness, with Native Energy and Broadway Books, is proud to offer one teacher a once-in-a-lifetime free trip to Antarctica, aboard Robert Swan’s International Antarctic Treaty Expedition (IATE), November 16-30, 2009. From July 1 through September 4, 2009, teachers or professors […]
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Creating languages and words is one of the most fun parts of writing fantasy. Careful, though! Incomprehensible gobbledygook can really put off readers, especially younger readers, but properly used, exotic names and fragments of other languages can really add to the rich and convincing texture of your book’s world. Here’s some tips based on my […]
'Potter' pic charms box office 'Half-Blood Prince' full-bodied with $22.2 mil Those who grew up on Hogwarts' most famous boy wizard may have gotten older -- millions are now young adults -- but they appear to have lost none of their loyalty to Harry Potter. The public -- and Hollywood -- are used to the […]
A school librarian wrote an open letter to book publishers with her top 10 list of suggestions for them, including “Better editing,” “Give that cover a makeover,” and “Stop changing the title in different countries.” more » » »
Free templates and tutorials for teachers and students in the classroom environment
Thanks to Guy Kawasaki for this one .. Steve Hely needed to know how to write very well in order to write as miserably as he does in “How I Became a Famous Novelist.” In a satirical novel that is a gag-packed assault on fictitious best-selling fiction, Mr. Hely, who has been a writer for David […]
"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." -- George Washington Carver