Entries by bronwynr

We choose the moon

We Choose the Moon is an interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time.


Teachers – Win the trip of a lifetime to Antarctica

In celebration of the upcoming release of Robert Swan’s new book, Antarctica 2041: My Quest to Save the Earth’s Last Wilderness, with Native Energy and Broadway Books, is proud to offer one teacher a once-in-a-lifetime free trip to Antarctica, aboard Robert Swan’s International Antarctic Treaty Expedition (IATE), November 16-30, 2009. From July 1 through September 4, 2009, teachers or professors […]


Harry Potter opening night

'Potter' pic charms box office 'Half-Blood Prince' full-bodied with $22.2 mil Those who grew up on Hogwarts' most famous boy wizard may have gotten older -- millions are now young adults -- but they appear to have lost none of their loyalty to Harry Potter. The public -- and Hollywood -- are used to the […]

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"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." -- George Washington Carver