Entries by bronwynr


Best kids’ books ever

In a column about the importance of keeping children interested in reading over the summer, Nick Kristof listed what he called the 10 "Best Kids' Books Ever." His column generated more than 2000 comments, which can be viewed on Kristof's blog; many readers wanted to add their own favorites, while others, as Kristof wrote in […]

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For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. SunTzu ………………………………………………………………Most people have a clutter problem That's right - most people have a clutter problem. That's why there are so many "Get Organized" programs out there! Some […]

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DOE Sees Increased Role for E-Learning

Online classes coupled with classroom instruction may be more effective than traditional face-to-face teaching alone, according to an analysis of 46 studies of student performance recently released by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). The results were most stark at the college level, but DOE officials are looking at how to apply the findings in […]

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Author throws party to benefit school

Children’s author Cynthea Liu believes in putting her money where her mouth is. And she’s succeeded in encouraging others to put their money down for a good cause. Liu, a native of Oklahoma and author of The Great Call of China, launched her second book for middle-grade readers, Paris Pan Takes the Dare (Putnam, June), […]


Long-Lost Graham Green work

Long-lost Graham Greene work to be serialized in the Strand The first lines Graham Greene uttered in the literary universe are these, from his 1929 novel "The Man Within": He came over the top of the down as the last light failed and could almost have cried with relief at sight of the wood below. […]

Six-Figure Teachers

Zeke Vanderhoek believes you get what you pay for—even in education. That’s why this former middle school teacher is launching the Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, a middle school in upper Manhattan where teachers will make six-figure incomes, this fall. We caught up with him to ask why he thinks his vision will succeed. How […]