Entries by bronwynr


June Comics Bestsellers

Jeffy Kinney's Wimpy Kid: Last Straw rules the roost but Stephen King's Dark Tower: Treachery; IDW's Star Trek: Countdown and Marvel Zombies 3 all make the Top Ten. more » » »

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Kidjutsu: A Kid-Safe Site for Webcomics

The internet is full of great comics created specifically for children, but young readers don’t have any way to find them. After all, there is no children’s room on the internet. But Brian Leung is hoping to solve that problem with Kidjutsu, a site that collects kid-friendly webcomics and displays them using an easy-to-use online […]

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Make a Digital Wish

Digital Wish, a nonprofit group dedicated to modernizing classrooms, hands out a constant stream of small grants to schools and helps teachers acquire funding for technology. Digital Wish not only offers school site licenses on Adobe and Microsoft products, but also automatically matches each purchase by giving 2 to 10 percent back to teachers every […]

Feeling Overwhelmed? Clean Your Desk

You’re winding down your week, and this weekend you won’t be cramming in work during every free block of time that pops up. You’re taking the weekend off. Good for you! But how do you put your work aside and forget about it…oh, and wouldn’t it be nice to avoid the Sunday evening dread about […]

Secrets for Generating Maximum Attention-Getting Power in Your Ads

Four basic but powerful tips ... 1. Size matters. The purpose of a headline or subhead is to seize the reader's attention. Larger and bolder heads generally seize attention better than smaller, lighter ones. 2. Dazzle 'em with color. The judicious use of color can add big impact to your headlines and other attention-getting copy. […]


Me Myself or I?

[From Judy Vorfield] Me, Myself, or I? Have you ever wondered if you should say, "Jason and myself..." or "Jason and I..."? Wonder no more! I have the answer. "Myself" is a reflexive pronoun, a personal pronoun that relates (think "reflect") the action of the verb back to the subject. Examples: I drove the car […]