Entries by bronwynr

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"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." Arnold Schwarzenegger


Create that winning feeling

I believe we would all agree that having a winning feeling is prerequisite to achieving outstanding results. A person can't possibly expect to win if they're constantly focusing on failure! The real secret here is to capture that winning feeling of success as often as you can to create the environment necessary to succeed. Article […]

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Video – The Road to Meaning

The process of reading is very like that of driving a car. As readers, it is our charge to "navigate" our way to meaning as we enter nonfiction texts and tasks. For students the, road to meaning in informational text is one paved with challenge and complexity.  This presentation explores what great "drivers" need to […]


Rowling’s Originality Under Question Again

I don’t even want to think about the possibility that J.K. Rowling ripped off the work of another author in creating her beloved and top selling Harry Potter series of books. However, since everyone else is thinking about it, I don’t have to. Here are some of those links: The New York Times, Coventry Telegraph, […]



[From THIS is TRUE www.thisistrue.com] EDUSPEAK: Forget "compare and contrast"; schoolchildren now learn "text-to-text connections". They don't go to "home room" but rather "Achievement Time" or, in some schools, "Time to Care". The temporary classroom is now a "learning cottage" rather than a "trailer". Even the humble essay is gone, replaced by the "extended constructed […]


Building your brain power

What is self improvement? Well, the dictionary defines self improvement as "improvement of one's mind, character, etc. through one's own efforts. Seems pretty simple and straight forward. So logically, the next question one would ask themselves is what should the efforts consist of? In other words, what techniques, principles & resources work most effectively? Well, […]

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"Letting go of our suffering is the hardest work we will ever do. It is also the most fruitful. To heal means to meet ourselves in a new way -- in the newness of each moment where all is possible and nothing is limited to the old." -- Stephen Levine