Entries by bronwynr

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Bullying resources

Bullying among young children Bullying Among Young Children - A Guide for Parents - PDFBullying Among Young Children - A Guide for Teachers and Carers - PDF The guides provide useful advice to parents, teachers and other carers on recognising changes in moods and behaviours that are associated with bullying. They also provide strategies to […]

Thought for the day

Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness. -Khalil Gibran, mystic, poet, and artist

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Hypnotize Anyone Just By Speaking?

Today I have something very special I want to share with you. First, I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine. His name is Steve G. Jones and he's a world renowned, super-educated hypnotherapist. You see, Steve doesn't claim to be a "know-it-all." But the one thing HE DOES know better than […]


Book – 101 great ways to improve your life

by David Riklan You will get 101 quick, simple and -- most importantly -- proven success secrets from the top experts in the world and gain access to the greatest treasures of all time - the gold nuggets of success. 101 self help authors and experts, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, plus […]

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R.L. Stine visits China

It seems that young readers in China like getting goosebumps. Published in the U.S. by Scholastic, R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps novels have sold more than five million copies in China since 2002, when Jieli Publishing House launched the series there. When that publisher invited Stine to China to meet his fans in person, the author happily […]

Tautology too

Kerry Webb writing in Incite in October 2004 listed this wonderful website: If you get annoyed with people who delight in using tautologies (or even those who have not got a clue what they are talking about) have a look at the absolutely essential site at "www.wordexplorations.com/pleonasm.html"


Powerpoint tips

The Presenter Center has a myriad useful PowerPoint tips. This is just one ... Text and Graphics shouldn’t compete for attention Keep text and graphics separated.  Text that is placed on top of graphics appears cluttered, busy, and competes for attention.  Click for makeover. Read more... [Text and Graphics shouldn’t compete for attention] Thanks OliviaMitchell

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LIANZA Children’s Book Awards 2009 finalists

From stories exploring the lives and ideals of family and communities to the reminiscence of roly-poly pudding the finalists of the LIANZA Children’s Book Awards are a true celebration of New Zealand writers and illustrators. The LIANZA Children’s Book Award 2009 Finalists are: LIANZA ESTHER GLEN AWARD (Fiction) Juno of Taris by Fleur Beale (Random […]

Are you "trying to keep up?"

And I thought it was only me ...! From the Creating Passionate Users Blog Do you have a stack of books, journals, manuals, articles, API docs, and blog printouts that you think you'll get to? That you think you need to read? Now, based on past experience, what are the odds you'll get to all […]


Obamas Will Preside Over National Book Festival

The First Couple will be honorary chairs of the National Book Festival, to be held in Washington, D.C., at the National Mall on Saturday, September 26th. Sponsored by the Library of Congress, this will be the event’s ninth year celebrating “the joys of reading and lifelong literacy,” according to an event press release. more ...