Entries by bronwynr

What to read next? – here is the answer

For the Reader's Toolkit I have been so disappointed in the last two books that I have read that I don't want to spend any more time thinking about them - even the time to write a blog post. So I am going to alert you to a new tool that I discovered that may […]


How to become an expert in your field in ten books or less!

You can't polish sandshoes! The only way to achieve a high gloss sheen on a pair of shoes is to start with quality shoes. The same applies for expertise. You can't manufacture a GURU! Experts are created through quality thought. They are not just manufactured through marketing. Here is a useful five step thinking process […]

Short Takes: 50 Summer Memoirs for the Beach, Backwoods, or Flu Bunker

Memoirs are the new novels. True or not, artfully or artlessly enhanced autobiography now commands the kind of front-list attention usually reserved for heavyweight novelists. Why not, then, take a memoir to the beach or backwoods this summer along with the usual fiction? As this fourth Short Takes of 50 titles reveals, summer's offerings boast all the traits of a […]


Thought for the Day

"We're face-to-face with our destiny. And we must meet it with a high, resolute courage, for ours is a life of action, of strenuous performance, of duty. Let us live in the harness of striving mightily. Let us run the risk of wearing out rather than rusting out." - Theodore Roosevelt

Free Comic Book Day Spreads Joy of Reading

FCBD 2009 was a hit, as over 2,000 other comic book shops worldwide opened their doors and gave away more than 2 million comic books to readers of all ages. A record number of public and school libraries participated this year, attracting patrons and promoting the pleasure of reading. (full story)