In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.Eric Hoffer The Pivotal Points quotation collection
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It was announced at Norwescon 32, in SeaTac, Washington, that the winner for the distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2008 in the U.S.A. is a tie between: EMISSARIES FROM THE DEAD by Adam-Troy Castro (Eos Books) and TERMINAL MIND by David Walton (Meadowhawk Press)
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The thrilling war story, complete with chase scenes, clashes at first with the nostalgic school tale, but they eventually come together in celebration of freedom of all kinds. more >>> or buy the paperback, hardback, or audio CD
Having already won over the web, webcomic CTRL+ALT+DEL, or simply CAD to its fans, is invading the bookstore market. read more
To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love : The Spiritual Dimension of Entrepreneuring (Paperback) by Marsha Sinetar "appeals to the entrepreneurial spirit in this inspirational tome" "The author's "spirituality" of entrepreneuring amounts to a popular Confucianism for twenty-first-century capitalism. This does not mean that Sinetar introduces readers to Chinese religion (though […]
Here’s a quick and effective method for preparing a presentation when you're under the gun and can't spend a lot of time brainstorming. Ask yourself the following 5 questions: >>>
Shopaholic Ties the Knot by Sophie Kinsella Another entertaining entry in Kinsella's unabashedly fluffy Shopaholic series. Life could not get any better for Becky Bloomwood, the irresistibly daft heroine of Confessions of a Shopaholic (2001) and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (2002). She has managed to parlay her personal and professional passions into a dream job as […]