Entries by bronwynr

Academics Poised To Pounce on Google Book Search Settlement

Fearing price gouging and other abuses, the Institute for Information Law and Policy at New York Law School and a group of lawyers led by Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson intend to file amicus briefs in the Google Book Search settlement, the New York Times reports. » » »

How to become an expert in your field in ten books or less

You can't polish sandshoes! The only way to achieve a high gloss sheen on a pair of shoes is to start with quality shoes. The same applies for expertise. You can't manufacture a GURU! Experts are created through quality thought. They are not just manufactured through marketing. Here is a useful five step thinking process […]

How to be funny

Let's be honest. We all LOVE those individuals that make us LAUGH. Well, how funny are YOU? What if you could suddenly become EVEN FUNNIER, just by following a few simple rules? Master wit Max Matterson has worked in the comedy world for the past 20 years. He's the co-author of "Comedy Writing Secrets" and […]

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Today’s must-read … The Other Queen

The Other Queen: A Novel by Philippa Gregory Two women competing for a man's heart Two queens fighting to the death for dominance The untold story of Mary, Queen of Scots This dazzling novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Philippa Gregory presents a new and unique view of one of history's most […]

Meet the author – Eric Carle

He grew up in Nazi Germany and went on to become the most beloved of children's authors. Today, he receives 10,000 fan letters a year. Emma Brockes meets of The Very Hungry Caterpillar's author

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your work

"Your work should be a challenge, not a chore; a blessing, not a bore."-- Hal Stewins …………………………………………………………………… Resource for the Week Changing Your Emotions,Changing Your Life:How to Escape the Prison of Your FeelingsAre you sick and tired of not being happy? Do you constantly wrestle with feeling sad, overwhelmed, or frustrated? How often do you […]

Comic Shop/Library Team-Ups: Free Comic Book Day

As a growing number of libraries and schools explore the value of providing graphic novels for their patrons and students, savvy comic shop retailers have stepped up to provide expertise, advice and assistance with collection development. Free Comic Book Day, held the first Saturday in May every year, presents an ideal opportunity to visit your […]