Entries by bronwynr


Great taste no pain

With more than 1 out of 3 adults in the US (70 million) taking OTC or prescription pills for digestive disorders and the pain associated with them, as a nation, we have serious health problems. And we're spreading our problems around the world. What most people are frustrated with is that even if they eat […]

March Children’s Literary Cafe: New York Times Reviewers Panel

Elizabeth Bird The Children’s Literary Café at the new Children’s Center at 42nd Street is pleased to announce our event on Saturday, March 7th at 2:00 p.m.: What makes a book so good that it gets reviewed by The New York Times?   How are the reviewers selected? What goes into writing a review for “the […]

More Ludlum for the big screen

Universal is negotiating for screen rights to "The Parsifal Mosaic," a Robert Ludlum espionage thriller that shapes up as the first major project for Captivate Entertainment, the company that controls screen rights to Ludlum novels. Captivate made an overall deal with the studio last year.  http://adjix.com/vr22

Deighton turns 80

  British historian and spy novelist Len Deighton -- the author of such familiar works as The IPCRESS File (1962), Funeral in Berlin (1964), and XPD (1981) -- turns 80 years old today. http://adjix.com/e24u

Philip K. Dick’s final novel

Novel by Philip K. Dick Gets an Ending Philip K. Dick’s last wife has reworked the novel he was working on when he died in 1982 and is publishing the book herself, The Guardian reported.   http://adjix.com/e24r

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GetGraphic.com Gets Everyone Excited About Graphic Novels

  Many teachers and librarians still don’t recognize the power of graphic novels in learning—and three librarians from the Buffalo-Erie County Public Library in New York are hoping to change that. Meg Cheman, Britt White, and Peggy Shotnicki are the incredible minds behind Get Graphic: The World in Words and Pictures, a Web site designed […]

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Inspiration – an hour of time

Tim was disappointed that his father didn't attend the last soccer game of the season, but he wasn't surprised. Tim was a mature 10-year old and he understood that lots of clients depended on his dad, a lawyer, who had to work most nights and weekends. Still, it made him sad, especially since this year […]