Entries by bronwynr


Darwin: a graphic biography

And I thought I should really point out that the Darwin biographical comic is coming out very soon because it sounds interesting, its a project with some educational as well as entertaiment value (a good way for those who might not pick up a science book to still fill in some gaps in their knowledge […]


10 Most Dangerous Foods

You might think you're eating healthy. You might want to think again. by Michelle Brunner We all love to eat, but the ugly reality is that some foods can make you sick. We're not talking about salmonella here; none of what's listed below should send you directly to the hospital with a debilitating illness ... […]

James Patterson Starts ReadKiddoRead

Between 2005 and 2007, author James Patterson gave away more than $600,000 to promote literacy through his annual PageTurner Awards. But when he noticed that his own elementary school-age son had become a reluctant reader, he decided that there had to be another way to get children excited about reading.  October marked the soft launch […]

1000 novels everyone must read

Over seven days the writers at the Guardian have recommended the best books to read about crime, war, fantasy, travel, science fiction, family and love.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/series/1000novels


Buzz words

Buzz Words (All the Buzz about Children’s Books), is targeted at children’s writers, illustrators, librarians, teachers and editors. On the 1st and 15th of every month the e-zine features a free-entry writing contest – with prizes – as well as interviews with editors, authors, illustrators, agents, booksellers and publicists as well as writing markets, opportunities, […]


Why Men Are Better Dieters Than Women

You wouldn't think a diet would be a cause of marital discord. But it often is — at least when couples try to shed pounds together and, as often happens, the husband drops the weight a lot faster than the wife does. Well, guess what, guys? It's not your steely resolve or your trips to […]


Obama's inauguration speech.

Read Bert Decker's succinct review here ...  http://www.bertdecker.com/experience/2009/01/the-inauguration-speech-pro-and-yes-con.html Ian Griffin looks at it from a rhetorical standpoint. http://www.exec-comms.com/blog/2009/01/20/obama-the-lion-in-winter/ Read the speech here http://www.pivotalpublicpeaking.com/obama_inauguration.htm Watch it here  http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=PFU2opNwgZU&annotation_id=annotation_760255&feature=iv and check out this fascinating tool   Obama Inauguration Speech Word Tree  http://adjix.com/kr43

Sydney Taylor Book Award

Richard Michelson and Raúl Colón (As Good As Anybody: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's Amazing March Toward Freedom, Knopf), Karen Hesse (Brooklyn Bridge, Feiwel and Friends), and Valerie Zenatti (A Bottle in the Gaza Sea, Bloomsbury), have won the Sydney Taylor Book Award. Additionally, six honor books were selected: Engineer Ari and […]