Entries by bronwynr


Socks away! Roald Dahl’s wartime sex raids

Children's author seduced for Britain in undercover mission He is known to the world as the author of bestselling children’s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. Yet before he became a successful writer, Roald Dahl had a very different reputation – as the sexiest British spy in […]

Three tips to improve your writing rhythm

As a professional copywriter, not only do I do a lot of writing but I also look at a lot of writing. One of the things I've noticed that sets the good/great writers from the so so is rhythm. What I mean by rhythm is how the writing sounds. The rhythm of the words and […]

Influencer: The Power to Change Anything

Influencer by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler The power to influence others is probably the most important skill in management and leadership. Unfortunately, its development is nowhere near as advanced as it should be. In this interesting, easy-to-read guide to building one's ability to influence others and to thereby create […]

Book Review – Alphabet of dinosaurs

by Barbie Heit Schwaeber Illustrated by Thomas Buchs and Karen Carr From the reviews From Ankylosaurus to Zigongosaurus, children will delight in learning about dinosaurs and prehistoric life. Witty rhymes describe many species of dinosaurs, including where they roamed, what they ate and their physical characteristics. Soundprints has paired up with the Smithsonian Institution's National […]


Wake me when it’s over: A guide to no-nap presentations

It’s 9:30 in the morning and you’ve made it to the third presentation of today’s marketing meeting. The presenter is pretty much reading word for word from a deck of 40 slides, which are mostly densely worded, bulleted items with an occasional chart or graph thrown in. You have no interest in the topic, and […]

Philip Pullman’s choice

Times Online has published Philip Pullman's essential reading list "40 favourite books selected for the Waterstone's Writer's Table" You can read the list here and read the reasons for his choices here. 

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Thought for the Day

"The value of a life does not lie in what we take, but in what we give ... (and) of course it takes a certain courage to be generous in a world of thieves." Stephen Downes