Entries by bronwynr


Subject: The problem with The Secret There's a problem with The Secret. Maybe you've experienced it. Now when I use the word "problem," I don't mean that it's a badthing. Not by a long shot... The Secret did it's job. It raised the awareness of millions ofpeople about the control they have over the wealth, […]


The Passion Test

The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful way for anyone to discover what matters most to them in their life. When you consistently choose in favour of those things, your passions, you will find yourself filled with a sense of purpose.


become an expert

"Fifteen to thirty minutes of training a day will make any employee a world class expert in five years." -- Jeffrey Gitomer

10 Ways to Find More Time

You have a sink full of dishes, three loads of laundry, 17 bills to pay, you're not sure how many e-mails to answer, a big stack of novels you'd love to read, and zero — count them — ZERO minutes of free time. "Where does the time go?" you lament. Here are some ideas to […]


secret of happiness

"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does."-James M. Barrie……………………………………………………………………… Resource for the Week The Power of Positive ThinkingYou've probably read every self help book out there and purchased loads of self improvement courses on positive thinking...But they've always been missing something.Sure, you've been through the […]

Networking: Wing it and you’ll flap in the breeze

It is the inevitable topic of conversation at a networking event: Tell me about your job. When I explain my life's work -- teaching leaders to achieve their dreams through powerful public speaking -- my conversation partner often shrugs and says, "Oh, I could never deliver a speech. I get too nervous." My response: "What […]

Self-publishing secrets – How to publish your own Best-seller

Teleseminar - listen on July 8 (or wait for the download) with Elaine Floyd The old publishing model is nearly dead for most authors. Finding an agent, then a publisher, then waiting 18-24 months for the book to be produced is way too long for entrepreneurs who can sell their book to their clients, in the back […]

Self-Publishing Secrets:How to Produce Your Own Bestseller

Teleseminar - listen on July 8 (or wait for the download) with Elaine Floyd The old publishing model is nearly dead for most authors. Finding an agent, then a publisher, then waiting 18-24 months for the book to be produced is way too long for entrepreneurs who can sell their book to their clients, in the back […]

Books to be published in the fall

[Via Publisher's Weekly] Two fall books from children’s divisions are likely to be two of the biggest-selling books of the year, period. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown/Tingley, Aug. 2) and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini (Knopf, Sept. 20), both eagerly anticipated by booksellers, each have first printings of 2.5 million copies. Hundreds of bookstores […]